UK Politics Thread (Part 3)

Let’s just plunder it whilst they’re still twitching…


It’s worth remembering that the pensioners mentioned in this poll are different to those in 2019. Everyone is 5 years older so the younger ones were not pensioners in 2019 and the older group lacks around 200,000 extra people that Boris Johnson managed to kill.


Her gall and arrogance is matched only by her blatant stupidity.

It should honestly be renamed the Dunning-Kruger-Truss Effect.

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Or just the Truss Effect: being rewarded by idiots for aggressively flaunting one’s stupidity

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Why else do you think I visit this forum?

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Shit. Are you getting rewarded for this? Mods, what about me???

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Attention is my reward

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He gets to spend some quality time alone with me

To be honest, it’s beyond that. It’s not that her complete lack of ability can even be pointed out to her. You can point out that she rapidly crashed the economy and she think that somehow proves her right. With DK she would at least have recognised that as a poor outcome.


Happy to help

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Pretty sure she knows, to me it’s just doubling down in the most extreme way.

It’s borderline flat earth kind of territory where you can take a horse water etc. but the reality is I’d be willing to bet she and close asdociates see money in it. Ultimately, that’s why these high end conspiracy theory priests, charlatans and so on are on it. And the world allows them and gives them the platforms to push it.

Bugger me, that came out on a Saturday morning. I need help…


Go for a ride!

Always helps to clear the head.

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COVID effect? :wink:

While being a completely think pillock it seems he has a good accountant and financial advisor


Starmer should be all over this at PMQs next week.

I’d be extrapolating Sunak’s figures to show just how much tax avoidance costs the exchequer and the impact that has on schools and hospitals.


It can be nice on peppered pizza, but only if its a bit hot.

But let’s focus on the deplorable state of Canadian rural road maintainance instead. I am also pretty sure that they still have not even a single under-sea tunnel as well, which is surely more than damning for a so called post industrial state pretending to be modern.

what is this, pick on Canada day?

you and your tunnels. must not be on a major fault line.

I am Norwegian. We ADORE tunnels !
Besides, any country without a proper deep under-sea tunnel, isn’t a real country anyway. If you only have a few small uninpressive ones through some minor mountain, it doesn’t really count. No, my friend. You must have proper long and steep ones. Without, one simply cannot have anything near proper modern infrastructure. And if your excuse is “we don’t even have much sea”, then it is quite possible to create a lake actually. It just requires some true effort. With enough effort, you too can then have a proper tunnel that goes far under the sea bed like a proper country has. Progress and modernity, my friend.