UK Politics Thread (Part 3)

So the British public who will be looking to cast votes next election, should vote for a man whose interests are in keeping his mouth shut on certain issues that may be deciding factors for which way the populace may vote?

That’s not a sign of a good leader in waiting.


Said it many times, they’re all snide self preserving rats.
Just a shame we have to vote for one of them, usually the one we think of as slightly less of a snide self preserving rat

You work with the system you have. We’ve got one that means Labour have absolutely nothing to gain from announcing policy at this time, and everything lose.

Labour are not just fighting The Tories at the election, they are also fighting a media and establishment landscape that is deeply hostile towards Labour. I get the frustration with the lack of substance, but Labour setting their stall out now is like starting a game of poker and showing everyone your cards.

The election is still probably nine months away. At some point Labour will need to put an offer to the British People that is more substantial than ‘we’re not them’, but they don’t need to do this now. They are not the government, and they gain nothing from acting as if they are.

The Tories are in power, fucking everything up, and Labour are better just leaving them to it.


It’s because the zionist Israeli lobby is so intertwined with the establishment in most western countries. It’s a cancer on the body politic.

And not a pot-hole in sight… :sob:

Can you explain what you mean by establishment ? Is that the same establishment that say for example meets at Davos which Starmer recently attended , and if so in what way is that establishment hostile to him, since he was invited , gratefully attended I presume , and basically gets set an agenda from the “establishment” …eg billionaires etc on how they are going to direct the world in which him being in attendance I would presume means he’s brought just like everyone else that tends to go to these " meetings"…

Would love to know how many Palestinian people get “invited” to such events.

You are suggesting that a Labour leader trying to form the next government should give the World Economic Forum the middle finger?

You said the establishment was hostile to labour, just asking for clarification

Labour traditionally have to go out of their way to promise not to rock the boat. When Corbyn was leader you had army pricks threatening a coup if he got elected.


Erm , so now labour has hostility from the media and establishment, in this case the military?

So if I’ve got this right Starmer / labour are fighting the Tories, media and the British military and this is why he can’t condemn Israel?

Thank god labours Sir Keir Starmer is fighting the establishment for us ordinary folks , whilst keeping quiet on key electoral issue that people may be worried about.

Probably not Labour as a party now that Corbyn has slithered into obscurity.

They don’t know what they even mean

Not sure that it is a key electoral issue. Key issues are closer to home - prices, jobs, schools, NHS etc. Those will decide the election in the UK.


Labour wins both by-elections overnight, overturning Conservative majorities of 18k and 11k.

Prepare for the rightwing media to go into overdrive between now and the general election.


One of the new Labour MPs is a gay Irish Catholic convert to Judaism. Quite a journey… :flushed:

Labour showing how inclusive they are…

He hasn’t quite sorted this whole avoiding ingrained prejudice thing, has he? I mean if he was to become a trans women, some murky character on Twitter would get full house on the hate bingo card!

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That may have been true in Kingswood where they would have had a total of 11253 votes beating labour by 77 votes but Labour would have still won in Wellingborough as their 13844 votes would have beaten the combined number of votes Cons/Reform received of 11327.

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He was talking only about Kingswood, which is next to his seat. I doubt that he even knows where Wellingborough is.



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[quote=“odin_telamon, post:4152, topic:3448”]
So if I’ve got this right Starmer / labour are fighting the Tories, media and the British military and this is why he can’t condemn Israel?[/quote]

It was in response to the point about Davos.

Labour had a leader who wore his care of ordinary people on his elbow patched sleeve, while also staunchly calling out foreign atrocities.

Ordinary people largely hated him and the Tories got an 80 seat majority. So it again comes down to the fundamental problem here. The nature of British Politics means you can have a staunch left anti establishment Labour leader shouting ineffectively from the opposition benches, or you can have a leader who is more conciliatory and less radical, but in actual power.

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