You can request for a mandatory reconsideration, and they will assign another decision maker to look at the claim again, make sure you supply all medical notes from Drs, hospital etc all medicines and any other issues … depression, anxiety etc…if that decision maker rejects the claim , you can then go to appeals…
Didn’t know anything about this…and he’s on to his 5th application…they grind u down, keep saying no…so I can see the next set of forms going thru’ the shedder.
Depending when the applications was made , I would phone tomorrow and request a mandatory reconsideration if not tomorrow do it Monday …but they should act as soon as you lodge the request ( can take a few weeks to go through it all…gives you a chance to send any material old or new for them to review)
We completed yet another telephone interrogation…sorry…interview…Wednesday…oh and the claiming neighbours have just informed us that as they have received their Cost of Living payment…they will be ordering some new fence panels…it’s a joint boundary and their landlord hasn’t been in touch with us…the fun begins…
For what it is worth W8… there are private companies being set up that fill in the necessary forms to make claims for ya that the ordinary man on the street has no clue about… How these companies make profit I have no clue - might be worth searching one such out near you.
Some housing associations have in-house personnel that do the form filling for their tenants…!
By the way I just saw the actual unedited version of this, not the version clipped and tweeted by the Tory party.
He says we are anti-racist and antisemitic, and then immediately apologies and corrects himself.
The Tories snipped the apology and correction, but then claimed they hadn’t edited it. To my mind that kind of dishonest disingenuity is far worse than someone misspeaking in the moment.
Yeah…we’re just normal, house owning, early retired, living off works pensions, no benefits from anywhere, people who try and get on with a normal life…oh what joy…
Love the entitlement from (many, not all) boomers in Straya - often those who bought a house cheaply on a one low wage at 20-25, enjoyed good services andretired early who then like to lecture younger generations about ‘making sacrifices’.
The defined benefit public servants in canberra are most egregious - low level mediocrities (nothing wrong with that but just to show they weren’t well paid for their skills, hard work or brains) who retire at 54 and 11 months on 80% of their final salary which is tax free and indexed to the current rate for life. In many cases their pension is probably worth more than their entire lifetime earnings. Future generations just keep having to pick up the tab for the most indulged and expensive generation in history.
One thing I think Labour should do in their first term is to bring in Proportional Representation to ensure that the Tories never again get a massive majority enabling them to run the country like a one-party state.
Of course, that would also mean that Labour probably wouldn’t get a massive majority, but that’s OK. It might not be a bad thing to have the excesses of one party tempered by having to do deal with other parties who are of the same or similar frame of mind.
Mrs Dane gets the Scottish equivalent of PIP.
Took around 8 months for her to see any payments from date of initial application.
I kept chasing them up and made sure they backdated the payments too.
But can understand why many would just give up after a while.
There are also pro bono legal clinics in a lot of universities now.
The students draft letters under the supervision of volunteer solicitors. The clinic I am closely in touch with has won clients hundreds of thousands of pounds in benefits cases. What @cynicaloldgit said is correct…people just give up.
DM me if you want more info…I will be able to find out quite easily where you could go nearby. The clinics all know one another, they even have annual conferences etc.
Ours got the post war social contract, the NHS, the welfare state, a triple locked pension arrangement, massively increased life expectancy, cheap as chips housing that exploded in value thanks to the property boom, and decades of relative prosperity. They thanked us with decades of majority Tory rule that has dismantled everything they were given, climate change, social immobility for the young, and fucking Brexit.
Good lord. Going by that, the typical Tory voter is in fact a mirror image of Boris Johnson: nothing but bluster.
The way that began delivering with such confidence at the start yet made little sense. The woman wearing a leopard was so cringe I had to actually fast forward past her as it was even too embarrassing to listen to.
The young bloke’s delivery of “it’s important to carry down privilege through the family” was a particular highlight.