UK Politics Thread (Part 3)

If she was a politician who was as shit at her job as 30p is at his, then I would imagine we’d all be laughing at her.

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I thought it was funny too, he’s a despicable man, but you know what my point was

I think what your point was does not reflect reality, considering the amount of abuse that people think it’s okay to sling at MPs who are female or from a minority background.

You may be surprised at how little of it gets reported.

My point was that it’s not ok for anyone to behave like that towards anyone.
But, imagine if he (or any random bloke) walked along side her and asked “Why are you such a slag”
Not suggesting she is, but slinging insults around like that usually come with consequences

You have too much faith in a world that doesn’t exist, unfortunately.

I too wish there were consequences for people who do things like that, for us to live in a civil society. The number of times I have been racially abused in the last year tells me otherwise, however.

I know we’ve warned you twelve times now, but you will sort it out, won’t you?

Picture a courthouse with no fucking laws

When you have Labour campaigners like this trying to get the general public to vote for your party,:grimacing::thinking:

Must do better with less arrogance

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I’m wondering if the campaigners themselves are fed up with the party stance but don’t want to go on video saying it?

I don’t know mate, if you think the Tories are in a mess, Labour is not far behind.

I am in a dilemma who to vote for.
I cannot vote Conservative, I can’t stand this current Labour party, Liberal Democrats don’t have a stronghold in my constituency, neither does the Green Party.

It is like choosing which devil is less evil.


There is no decision to be made.

This country needs to get rid of the Tories. We have an anachronistic first past the post system.

Therefore, you vote Labour.


I fcuking hate this current Labour party, apart from Andy Burnham, but he is up north.

I liked David Milliband, he ran off to New York to head DEC organisation.

If you live in a constituency where Conservative and Labour are the main candidates, then generally speaking a vote for green or Lib Dem is as good as a vote for the Torys.

You might find Labour uninspiring, but if your biggest nightmare the morning after the election is a beaming Rishi Sunak promising another five years of the shit that they’ve been peddling for the last fourteen, then it really is a simple decision.


What do you hate about them?

Do you hate them more than the Tories?

My worst political nightmare as a voter.

David Milliband seemed decent, but he was a lot closer to Blairism than Keir Starmer is.

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I cannot stand that two-faced Starmer. He is the most uninspiring leader i have ever seen. Michael Foot was more charismatic than him.
He sits on the fence and waits to see where the wind blows before he comes out advocating for that political issue. I also don’t like his biased (zionist) Middle East foreign policy which is a big issue for me.
I don’t like the way Diane Abbott was treated in the Labour party recently, she is the only MP who got more racist abuse online than any other MP. Compared to the ghastly Patel, Braverman or Badenoch), many BAME women see her as beacon of hope that a woman of colour can make it in politics.
Starmer has now alienated the majority of the BAME voters, who are traditionally Labour voters like myself.
I don’t trust Labour to save the NHS either which is a huge issue for me as well, as an ex NHS employee, as Wes Street ing is in favour for privatisation of the NHS. We need a free and fair healthcare system, that is what we pay our national insurance for.
Brexit, Starmer doesn’t seem bothered about it and accepts it that we have to work within the Brexit framework which is impossible.
I don’t like the way, Labour hounded assassinated the character of Jeremy Corbyn, no matter how lefty he was.

Rachel Reeves is like a robotic Red version of a Tory. I am disappointed in Lammy, he just follows orders of his leader. I am not happy with Sadiq Khan, with this some of his policies with those stupid bollards he put in making Ealing and the rest of London a one way system, where people couldn’t park near their houses, increasing more traffic load on the roads. Thankfully, Londoners revolted and my station was supposed to get a lift, bur they ran out of money.Ulez system is not popular her, alot of people could not afford to change their cars to Ulez compliant.

I cannot see anyone stand our Labour MP who can be an outstanding leader for the party.

I think Angela Rayner is alright though. I much prefer Andy Burnham as leader. I think will be one day.

Whether I hate Labour more than the Tories, umm, it is pretty close. I have never had this much animosity for Labour until now. I would say, Labour is a little less evil than the Tories, but by a very fine margin.

Excuse my irrational rant , I am in bed with a bug, I have too much time on my hands.:face_with_thermometer::face_with_head_bandage:


You all are better versed in politics than me.

My questions to you guys are:
-why should I have a good reason to vote Labour?
-What policies on social care, healthcare, Dental care do they have?
-How do they plan to help young people in job and housing market?
-Are they going to make an effort to rejoin the EU in some format?

-I understand illegal immigration is a huge domestic issue, how do they plan to combat this without upsetting the right wing faction?

Don’t say ’ because we want to get 14 years of Tory rule out’. I need more valid reasons. I trust you guys to give me convincing reasons.

I am your average Labour voter living in Ealing, West London who is so disillusioned with UK politics and with the party she traditionally votes for.


That’s what it’s like in the present system. Hopefully, you will have Proportional Representation in your lifetime.


Sorry but based on the reasons why you were unhappy with specific labour politicians in the very same post, it seems very odd to think you’d be in.any way willing to support more Tory misrule.