UK Politics Thread (Part 3)

You’re such a contrarian.

Starmer has been a Labour Party member all his life, as were both his parents.

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He was a human rights lawyer prior to running DPP.

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I’m not sure that his parents would be too impressed with his taking Natalie Elphicke under his wing.

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He hasn’t taken her under his wing. He’s allowed her to cross the floor and take the Labour Whip, as it effectively counters the Tories attack lines on Immigration. An arrangement which will end when Parliament is dissolved in a couple of days.


Personally, I don’t think it is reasonable to criticize someone for working with the Diabetes Prevention Program, which was one of the most substantive public health programs of the 00s.


When on a roll…

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The DPP has something to say about the benefits of cutting back on bread and other refined carbs.


That would explain a lot. I have read that the Democrats have lost control of some States due gerrymandering.

Tactical voting is the best option to fight FPTP. But in turn, it strengthens the two-party system.


Why is Corbyn standing as an independent?

Is it some sort of protest?
Or has he had a change of heart on his politics?

I think Labor has made it clear that he won’t get their nomination.

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Kicked out of Labour


The family of Jean Charles De Menezes says Hi :raised_hand:

Rishi Sunak’s campaign trail. Day 1.

Today Rishi visited a biscuit factory in wales where he took questions from two workers wearing hi vis jackets, who later turned out to be Tory Councillors planted in the audience.

He then moved on to a local pub, asking whether the Euro’s was going to be good for business, and it was swiftly pointed out that Wales didn’t qualify.


Fake as fuck. That twat is just as much as an impostor as Johnson and Truss were.


I though they had solved inflation, stopped all boats and defeated Putin?


If i find out that was a chocolate digestive factory that has sold out there’ll be hell to pay

They know we’ll be formally declared and at war with Russia by the end of the summer.

Im not sure this is the only reason for calling an election, the other that Tories must know their position can only get worse from here, so its their best shot to call it now. They don’t have a shot with Sunak leading them.

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JRM or BJ? LizT?

Can you not spell or something :grin: