UK Politics Thread (Part 3)

There has always been a fair bit of it. There are various tactical voting websites and I always regard them as being rather suspect; firstly, because you don’t know who is behind them, and secondly, because they are based on data from previous elections rather than any knowledge of what is happening locally on the ground.

Tactical voting is a really horrible way of voting although I will probably have to do the same.


Its real worrying the generational drop in calibre. We seem to have a weak generation across the board, compounded with extremes.

Or as well, people that are concerned and could be empowered cannot be arsed.

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My hope is they put some further protections in place that basically prevent the BS we’ve been through.

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Well sure , but atleast a pre alliance might ensure that the tory votes are split.

Nope. The Tories have absolutely nothing to crow about, so it’ll be how bad Labour are.

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Huge loaded post. You can put it at that level, but I feel its something deeper, a loss of integrity, a change in the plane of acceptable speech - basically disingenuousness is in vogue, you prove otherwise. Its precisely what better philosophers than Popper wrote in the 80s, and Simulacra and Simulation is far more accurate for me.

Also, Starmer was not a human rights lawyer, he was the DPP, the arch-crown enemy of human rights. Sorry I dont trust him, or indeed any of them. Back to plane of speech.

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That feeling you get when you realize that most the talk about Rishi getting drowned out by someone playing music over him is from people who think that was the extent of the prank and dont understand the relevance of the specific song being used



Prior to the DPP he was a barrister and had quite a few notable cases where the basic rights of the individual were at stake. You may not have liked who he was defending but that isn’t the point of human rights.

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So was I. Anyone that leaves private practice to go in-house, arent really counsel anymore, its sort of an in-joke at the bar.

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Does India have a first past the post system?

There are a variety of reasons it isn’t the done thing in the UK - often because it risks a loss of votes from people who don’t want to be supporting one of the other parties. (You may vote Lib Dem because you are upset with Conservative party but wouldn’t want to vote Labour for example) Tories also used it as a scare tactic when Corbyn was labour leader by claiming that he and SNP had an electoral pact. Corbyn denied such a pact and ruled out having one if he were to win the election.

Furthermore, it stems from the emergence of the Labour party as an electoral force - long ago it joined a pact with the Liberals, which finally gave it a number of seats in Parliament but it also led to the decline of the Liberal party.

Not sure it is. There have been several boundary changes favouring conservatives. Secondly, during the local elections, some experts were claiming that the voting patterns if represented in a general election would have led to a hung parliament, or at least a minority government.

The obvious answer to that though is that people do often vote differently in national elections than local ones and that it didn’t take into account votes from Scotland where the SNPs difficulties may see it lose votes.

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They were also claiming that Sadiq Khan had a fight on his hands for London mayor.


You and your knob gags, it’s not all about Cox you know……

Thats true. Probably helped a lot by Khan’s camp spreading the message that it would be close. There was a window where if several things happened together he would have lost. On the eve of the results being announced some of those factors appeared to be happening (turnout numbers in tory/labour supporting london areas, swing away from labour from particular groups of supporters being seen in the national votes etc).

I think Rob Ford was always pretty convinced though he would win though.
The general election in numbers - by Rob Ford (
(2) Could Sadiq Khan Lose in London? - by Rob Ford (

What’s the difference in votes between the 3 major parties in your constituency?

He has a fight on his hands getting his shoes on the right feet.

Getting soaking wet while clothed for no particular reason is so badass.


Todd Boehly?

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Approx 40-30-20, with the rest the minor parties.

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