UK Politics Thread (Part 3)

Follow the money. Lots of low quality hotels receiving a steady stream of money for doing very little. Who is profiting?


Exactly. To me this has been another opportunistic scam to rob the uk coffers.


After how many bottles of bubbly is that?

He looked like a drowned rat. I am glad he got wet. It was shame, it wasn’t raining hailstones when he was giving his speech.


Could have been more appropriate:

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You have friends?


I have seen a lot of Brits coming over to India or other similar places to get their cataract done. It’s not cheap (as opposed to NHS services which is free) but it isn’t expensive. It’s about the equivalent of 400GBP. Indians get their insurance(those who are covered) to cover that so they wouldn’t be paying that much out of the pocket too

You’d still need to be booking the flight tickets and arranging stays , but my relatives generally plan these procedures alongside their regular visits to India.

The British health structure is definitely much better than the healthcare you get in places like India (if being treated at a Govt Hospital). But there are private operators now and those who can afford to pay the money , get it done. Especially if it’s for something which even if it’s a trivial procedure(in terms of complexity) , is necessary.

For Context , My mom had gotten her cataract done and the actual procedure takes 15 min. NHS could open dedicated centers for Eye related etc and still do as many as 20 procedures a day

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Hung Parliament? With lead Labour currently has?

Why don’t the Lib Dems and the Labour go for a coalition of sorts?

Taking seats from each other only helps Tories ?

Yes, because the polls are not calculating it by constituency but by extrapolating from a group of people who they will vote for.

Last election Johnson won a lot of Labour held seats by narrow margins. Labours votes were heavily concentrated .


Remember Miliband’s bacon sandwich pic, which people say won the election for an actual pig fucker?


They probably would if needed but its not the sort of thing to announce pre election.

I mean have a prepoll agreemen and not something done as a post-poll thing. It’s done in India quite a bit (Across all states). Coalition governments can work. Also puts in checks and balances on the ruling party too.

There is no good outcome on offer from this election.


Never underestimate the stupidity of the public.


Yup, we’ll have 6 weeks of the tabloids pumping out daily headlines of how great the Tories are, and they are the people to trust for real change


Most of the country’s problems can be traced to the rule of law being compromised. My hope would be that having a senior lawyer as Prime Minister would at least put that back in place.

I suppose the question is how brave he would be, as that would mean effectively putting restraints on himself. Maybe he has read Popper’s “Open Society and Its Enemies”. As a human rights lawyer, you would hope that he has.


I am seeing a shitload of talk about tactical voting on social media. I don’t recall if there was as much chatter in the past.

Anyone recall?

Agreed. But it’s a long way from a 20-point lead to a hung parliament.

The choice is a wet blanket clueless devious Tory, or a wet blanket clueless Tory with a Labour jacket on