UK Politics Thread (Part 3)

Mmeeeeeeewwwww rr

If you think that’s bad, watch this :joy:



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Labour haven’t unveiled their manifesto yet. Why? Because every time they propose an idea, the Tories steal it.


Or try to spike it - see the non dom changes being introduced to fund tax cuts and thereby deny labour the revenue to spend as they initially proposed from the monies expected to be raised from the move.

Its usual for parties to present manifestos two or three weeks into the election period, but there is plenty out there to see the main thrust of what Labour aim to do on their website, or in the list of things they committed to at conference last year.

I wrote a list of their declared policies/ positions in reply to @Klopptimist last December following a similar barb. Many of those will probably still be relevant


Sorry, I don’t speak cat language :confused:

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Go back to English class as well then?

Sounds about right

14 years of Tory Government, that hasn’t achieved a single positive thing unless you are already extremely wealthy, and has made life much worse for the vast majority of people, and you still have lads having a pop at Labour. Unreal.


I fucking bet you do for all the obvious reasons. An enlightened forum like this doesn’t need them explaining I’m sure.

Here a pitch from the Tories that will finally resonate with the struggling British Public.


Tories haven’t got their manifesto out either, and neither have the Lib Dems. You’ll see manifestos in a couple of weeks time.


Having zero confidence in Labour doesn’t automatically mean the Tories aren’t a horrible bunch of incompetent crooks.
Its actually okay to think both


Higher earners will always pay more tax than lower earners, by virtue of the fact they have more taxable income.

Objecting to them being included in a blanket tax cut smacks of you’re doing better than me, give me some


Its correct. Need to see an end to lazy loyalty party politics. My family voted labour for +60yrs and I don’t think they actually did a thing for them. They were on an ideological war - people v establishment - its this that will fck us over hugely now. Both sides are establishment and just wear different colours.

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  1. That isn’t what Hunt is floating. His suggestion is to reduce the tax burden on the already wealthy. His logic - that taxing high wages discourages hard work - is as insulting as it is inaccurate. He doesn’t seem to have much of a problem with pushing poor people into poverty to make them work hard. Why is that that Tories think to make rich people work harder, you give them more money, but to make poor people work harder you take it away?

  2. It isn’t about jealousy. It’s about where to place your tax burden to the benefit of society. Very wealthy people, who can already buy anything the reasonably want do not tend to spend spare cash. They don’t need to. They can already buy whatever they want. They take it out of the economy and put it offshore in funds and trusts. Or if they do spend it, it tends to be high end luxury goods imported from abroad.

The Liz Truss episode was precisely because she tried to embark on a programme of big tax cuts for wealthy people, and the reason while that resulted in a meltdown was because everyone with any expertise to bear on it knows that such a course of action starves the country of liquidity. It takes money out of the economy.

If you want to actually stimulate economic growth you funnel money to the people who are more likely to actually spend it.


Are you kidding? Does that 60 years include the post war years in which Labour established the NHS, the welfare state, the planning system, legal aid etc?

You can say they are both establishment, all the same etc. but the bottom line is that you’ve just seen 14 years of the Tory party systematically destroying the country, ruining public services, presiding over the kind of corruption that I never thought would be possible in our country, stoking dangerous culture wars, driving a coach and horses through all our democratic norms and safeguards, and allowing poor people to literally starve.

If you really think Labour are just the same as this, you need to book yourself in for a Brain Enema. You have been gaslit into thinking what we’ve seen over the last decade is in any way normal. It isn’t. We need to draw a line in the sand, and the first step of that is a electing a government that might not be what you ideally want, but will at least not govern like a bunch of fucking psychopaths.


I don’t think Labour are the same as the Tories, I think they’re worse. I’m not voting for any of the main parties, they don’t deserve my vote.


The other element of that is the simple fact that foreign capital (i.e. a large percentage of potential lenders) are nervous about the UK’s fiscal balance already. Hence the higher interest rates, they are not interested in putting money into UK sovereign debt without a risk premium. The difficult circumstance confronting the UK is that spending cuts would seem to be very challenging, more likely to further reduce aggregate demand than to really address the imbalance. But tax cuts that don’t increase aggregate demand but also weaken public finances are just madness, the worst of both worlds. The Labour discussion of tax cuts is borderline irresponsible, the Hunt discussion is Truss 2.0 absurdity.

How best to stimulate growth is not quite as simple as that. Sometimes there is a need to make capital more available for investment, simply throwing more money into the economy for spending in a high inflation scenario just worsens that problem. But the UK is caught up in a situation where aggregate demand is weak yet inflation is relatively high, while any tax cuts for investing classes will simply either move offshore or go into public debt, neither of which helps domestic productivity growth.

tl:dr version is you are kinda fucked for a while.


And you need your Mam with a filter on it! You’re still unable to debate without being unnecessarily rude. What socialism is this you have?

But you’re angry right cos you actually are voting lazy party politics!

Labour will fuck the country beyind repair. Anyway, empirical evidence, show us one Labour government that took this country forward?