UK Politics Thread (Part 3)

That’s already been done by the current lot.

Atlee, Wilson and Blair governments all had their achievements in various areas. There’s never been a government of any party that was 100% on all issues.


Then if its already fckd beyond repair - is it enter labour, whom cant fail?

They dont even have an ‘idea’, this is usually an insult, but in this case, its fact.

By the time the country realises what Kier Starmer really is it will be too late.

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What’s the solution? Labor is the alternative available.

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I sometimes wonder what elections offer in terms of choice in the context of global inter connectivity.


‘show us one Labour government that took this country forward?’ - The last one.


That’s the one, bang on, that left us with a ‘deficit’ isnt it? Which is the 08 crash, from which we did not properly recover.


Are you another party man, in one post calling for reason, then voting with your toes here?

Shouldn’t you wait and hear a little more from Starmer, in 4 years as well, other than ‘change’ :sweat_smile:

Pot meet kettle.

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Lazy generalisations, and no-one mentioned jealousy.
I come under the “higher earner” label, but am neither very wealthy, able to buy anything I reasonably want,without saving for it and have no offshore funds or trusts.
There’s a massive difference between “higher earner” and “very wealthy”.

I’ve made huge sacrifices for 2 1/2 decades that many wouldn’t be able or prepared to make.
If there’s a tax cut in the pipleline, I’m every bit as entitled to it as the next man/woman.


So the global financial crisis of 2008 was the fault of the UK government?


Not by proportion / percentage they dont. Our own PM only paid 22% on his earnimgs last FY. His earnings predominantly came from share dividends and the like. The kind of things you really work hard for.

My tax bill comfortably clears over 40% and then some along with a healthy NI contribution every month. Much more than paying a self employed “stamp”.

Subsequently, my tax etc. " hurts" me far more

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I’m reminded of the George Harrison song “Taxman”.

It gets misinterpreted as “I’m rich and want to keep it all” but it was more a complaint about the whole business side of things.

He wasn’t wealthy or from a privileged background and he didn’t expect his success to last more than a couple of years. At the time he was paying 95% tax on most earnings but wasn’t gifted with inherited wealth. Most of the business side involved trying to avoid that tax which rather pissed him off.

There is something to be said for taxing fixed physical assets (land value tax, for instance) . Having said that, income tax in itself isn’t that excessive. It’s often what is and isn’t tax deductible that makes a mockery of it.


Sorry but that crash was world wide caused by US property. The labour government of the time decided to prop up the banks. Some may not agree with that but it along with other things cost them the election. Tory austerity followed and it was THAT that screwed the UK. Before the 2008 crash the labour managed economy was rock solid.


I’d bet my house he paid a lot more than 22% on his PM salary.
“Other” business interests, different story.

Sure but overall it was 22%. Cant remember on how much but it cleared 7 figures. PM salary is small beer to him.

Im aware of all that, but aren’t they tax loopholes which have been around through multiple governments?

I’m referring to average Joe’s who are fortunate enough to have done well for themselves and are paid higher than average PAYE salaries, who are then lazily lumped into the very rich bracket so therefore dont deserve tax cuts.

Easy. Gladiator style battle to the death winner takes all. :wink:

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Stop the (sinking) boat?

Yeah , funny that. As I recall it the Labour PM and his Chancellor were widely lauded for having saved the world’s financial system.

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