UK Politics Thread (Part 3)

Nah, letting the UK off easy there. The crash was caused by multiple governments allowing their financial sectors to get away with ludicrous overleverage on real estate, in particular using mortgage-based securities but more broadly reckless subprime lending fueling an asset bubble. Northern Rock was a poster child for that. The economic performance of the UK 2005-2008 was every bit as much bubble-fueled as the US.


As much as Covid and Ukraine are, seemingly.

The UK managed to screw up Covid rather more than most of the G20.


Understood but its a minefield. Arenā€™t these people already rewarded by the fact they already earn more? Should we tax people on effort? If thats the case Iā€™d be having nurses on over Ā£100k a year and 10% tax. Bankers can enjoy 90% tax.

Ultimately tax has to be progressive unless you rip up the entire system. The argument is then what is progressive? Currently Im not convinced the balance is right in both tax levels but also salaries, particularly those that are often in the public sector.

Ta, Iā€™ll concede the point.

Far less boom and bust under Brown as chancellor though. Much smoother ride. Clearly full of holes but far better management than anything in the last 10 years say.

The gif doesnā€™t exist yet but ā€œ Labour would have done betterā€ will soon appear.

What if a person almost killed themselves at school to get the degree that granted them a 6 figure salary and an easy life? How do you square that with a guy who digs the roads 8-4 and works like a trojan? Or we could just give everybody the same tax billā€¦ā€¦ Ducks :joy:

Grow up there was nothing rude there but I can see how you might feel embarrassed and had to come up with something.

Well who brings more benefit to the uk or maybe some other metric then?

I said its a minefield.

Where did all that cheap credit come from? Do you know?

The crash came from sub-prime mortgages in the US. We also had sub prime mortgages here Northern Rock et al. But where did this sudden rush of cheap loans come from?

What then, once the sector realised there was not enough people in the west to take these loans, that had a credit rating worthy of servicing them?

This chain of events started with Blair and Brown (trying to do my best Darth Vader) they adjusted the loan to capital rate at inter-banking level in the UK. And here we are.

Absolutely spot on.

Apology accepted.

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How about the metric is we all have the same social responsibility?

Bastard Tories.

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How does that transfer to the PMā€™s job and the a billionaire earning millions from share dividends but only paying 20-25% tax on earnings?

I cant quite see your point being honest.

Weā€™re all guilty of massive hypocrisy there.
Bemoan massive corporations like Google and Amazon paying peanuts in tax, yet cant function daily without using them

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Very simple. Ignore earnings. Do we all as functioning adults have the same social responsibility?

If I ran a massive company, Iā€™d use every tax dodge possible . Tbe reward for killing myself getting into that position.

Just seen 2 ā€˜policy commitmentsā€™ from Starmer:

  1. Balance the economy

  2. Lower voting age to 16

Which translates as raising taxes and locking in the woke vote.

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Have a look at satisfaction with the NHS in 2010 (the end of the last Labour Government) and have a look at it now.

And that was the fault of Labour, was it? Gordon Brown caused a mass default of sub prime mortgages in America, leading to the worldā€™s financial instititions falling like dominos.

But ThEy LefT a NOte in thE TrEaSUry

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