UK Politics Thread (Part 3)

I agree.

However I would say she made her own bed similar to Corbyn.

Last few weeks I have been doing radio interviews on a complex controversial topic. I know how difficult it is to think on your feet, and not fall into traps. So I have some sympathy for misspeaking on the spot.

However, there is no excuse when you write in to a newspaper and say jews or travellers have not experienced racism (only prejudice). With an attempt of an intellectual argument. In a normal context that would have been dumb, but in the context of a Labour Party coming out of an antisemitism scandal it was as good as writing a resignation.

Much like Corbyn I donā€™t think she is racist or antisemitic. However saying dumb shit gives the impression that you are (or failed to pick up a history book). It also undermines the good work done fighting racism and prejudice.

Itā€™s akin to starting a debate arguing that you have it worse than Mexicans or Muslims who dont really experience racism. (And comparing their problems to having red hair)

Why even enter that argument ? You donā€™t make your cause better by stepping on others.

I have sympathy for her struggles as a politician, I donā€™t for her exit.


Jeremy Hunt on the BBC just now:

ā€œIt is my job to highlight the risks of a Labour governmentā€¦ā€

Two things: firstly, it is your job to run the countryā€™s economy. Secondly, this sums up the entire Tory strategy: our record in government is abysmal, so letā€™s just scaremonger.

They have absolutely nothing else.


I think weā€™re supposed to engage with what he was thinking rather than what he wrote.

If he delivers the kind of majority the polls are projecting, heā€™ll be untouchable. I think you might be, again, treating what the Toryā€™s have done to politics over the last decade as normal.

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As so often with her, I understand, I think, the point she is trying to make. But itā€™s always a case of why are you even going there? Why is it useful? And why now, for christs sake?

It shows stupidity and lack of political nous, or it shows a certain wilful provocative arrogance. I suppose thatā€™s what the investigation was trying to establish. Good news Diane - the investigation found you werenā€™t antisemitic. You were just thick!


Look at what Labour could theoretically do in a Daily Mail fuelled fever dream. Donā€™t look at what weā€™ve actually done for fourteen years.

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She had a really shit upbringing.

She was raised in abject poverty by a mother who could not read or write. She has said at various points that she was at risk of being taken into care.

Like a lot of kids in that situation she ended up pregnant at 16 to a lad a few years older than her who didnā€™t stick around, and dropped out of formal education at GCSE level.

From there she started a career in social care, got a NVQ and learned sign language. Through the care industry she got involved in Union Politics and eventually became a union rep. That was her route into the Labour Party and she eventually contested a seat and got to where she is now. And ever step of the way, there will have been people judging her, mocking her, and misunderstanding her because of her upbringing and mistakes she made as a child.

Can you imagine the strength it must have taken to get to where she is now from where she was a 16? Anyone who thinks she is thick hasnā€™t got the first clue. She has incredible natural intelligence, and is hard as nails to boot.


Because I never made a point about the manner of her speech, as in the tone of it or whatever you might (and yer Pal) think. She cannot even properly respond to some political questions and even misses the point in some interviews, its an intelligence issue, not speech per se, and there is a massive body of excerpts demonstrating it. So I now have to run off and gather all these to deal with this bluster? When its clear neither of you have checked this out before responding, because if you had you would have seen some of the embarrassing responses she gives re simply not up to being a DPM.

Then of course there is the dynamic this throws onto Starmer, whom probably gets to dictate and have his way, never really being subject to checks and balances by her. The gap is stark, hardly arguable, unless you are here, then oppression seems to be the guiding light.

BLAIM GAME on X: ā€œPeople on here are arguing with me that Angela Rayner is thick. Apparently sheā€™s not thick. Watch this and make your own mind up. #GE2024ā€ / X

You need moderating - who moderates your twisted approach here?

Just a reminder people here can only respond to what you wrote, and not what you think you wrote.

If you have a problem with anything I post, report it and it will be dealt with. But since at least one other person took that point from your post, perhaps the problem is with you?

Not being in the UK, I donā€™t see much of her beyond what I read. You mentioned the way she speaks, I went and listened to the first hit on Google. I heard a left wing politician using left wing talking points to evade answering a question the way all politicians (which irritated me) and a working class accent from somewhere in the Northeast I would guess - which is what I presumed you were alluding to.

North West, I think. She grew up near Manchester.


Iā€™m sure everyone on here would agree that having an accent from the North West is unacceptable in public life.


Andrew Neil is a tough cookie, and the way he was persistent in the interview is a good thing. I wish journalists had that sort of rigor over here.

Iā€™ve never seen Angela Raynor, being overseas, but good luck to her. I love the background Mascot shared above.

For far too many years, politics was the domain of richer, more privileged people. Iā€™m not blaming anyone if that is their background, but if it is to be representative, then it needs a good mix. Without knowing too much about Raynor, other than what Iā€™ve just seen and read, good luck to her.

In the interview linked above she didnā€™t come across as thick, at all, but my take is she will be better prepared next time, and thatā€™s a good thing, aided by the function of a robust political interviewer like Andrew Neil.


People have short memories, we shall see soon enough.
I think you might be, again, of the belief that no-oneā€™s opinion but yours is valid.


Ok everyone, her nameā€™s Rayner.

Unless weā€™re talking about someone else.


No Im on a bout the intelligence revealed form her speech. I would not be so cruel to take
issue at someone with an impediment or accent.

You must be having a laugh in HQ - you simply took the word speech and ran with it in a way which suits you. There are at least 5 or 6 intelligible aspect of speech.

OK mate. OK. :+1:

There isnā€™t a politician alive that could withstand a grilling from him without being made to look either evasive or foolish. Boris Johnson knew that and point blank refused an interview during his election campaign.