UK Politics Thread (Part 3)

Yet again, it has been quite a week in British politics.

As far as I can tell, he current PM has not said a word about the former PM appearing on a podcast that is hosted on a platform run by a bloke who said a Labour MP wasn’t worth raping.

And there are still those who parrot the ‘they’re all the same’ trope.

What a time to be alive!


Was shit this bonkers before Brexit?

I moved here in 2015…suffice to say it has NOT been dull.



Very disappointed and disillusioned politically right now.
I have decided I am not voting Labour. I might not vote at all.
Starmer and Labour have seriously teed off many voters (especially the black and other ethnic minorities) with their double-standards with their deselection of a few candidates and put in place candidates who know nothing about the area they are standing in. It is the like a dictatorship and purge of any dissent.


Let’s be absolutely clear. Diane Abbott’s issues with selection wouldn’t exist if she hadn’t compared the Jewish people’s experience of prejudice to people with red hair. Her constituency has the fourth highest proportion of Jewish people in the country. That is an eyewateringly idiotic thing to suggest.


Any left wing people refusing to vote Labour are enabling this twat.

That’s first past the post, people. Two candidates. Binary choice. A vote withheld from one, is as good as a vote for the other.


Maria is that what you want? :flushed:

Really should you be using this forum to spout your bias political views, people have the freedom to vote for whoever they want, and telling left leaning voters that don’t wish to vote labour for their own reasons is their choice, not yours.

Everything you post is your opinion , but you have such a biased political stance that you criticise people of any viewpoint different to yours …"rightwing gammons " etc…maybe grow up and try and leaving insults out of it and actually engage people in what they think.

I think starmer is a twat, like rishi…but I personally think Starmer is as deceitful as Blair and has no personality to him that merits my vote, and in all honesty I don’t think any national party has anything that they have to offer , that hasn’t been said before and to me personally think they will lie through their arse just to obtain power.

Labour is not the party of the working man, just as the Tories are not the party for a booming economy.

Hopefully when the election Comes i will find a decent local candidate …sadly this wont affect the national two party dictatorship that we have , but in future elections maybe this thought will grow and we can split the established parties up as the current offering nationally we have are all full of shit.


I’m an active member of the Greens at a local level. I live in a constituency that is fairly safe Lib Dem. Do I want to make sure the Tories are no longer in power? Yes. Do I want to help raise the profile of the Greens to help win more seats in the future, grow the national proportion of the vote and put pressure on Labour to take environmental issues seriously? Yes. It’s not as black and white as you make it out to be @Mascot.


Cheers mate….

Alternatively, post an opinion on a message board and accept that people will challenge it. Sorry, that is just my bias showing through.


Some news just in - Labour leader Keir Starmer says Diane Abbott is “free to go forward as a Labour candidate”

Does Starmer not understand the concept of winning votes and good publicity?

Sure thing, but if I wanted to read your bias posts I’m sure I’d read one of the numerous American threads we have, which basically is tiresome tbh.

Everything I disagree with is just because the other person is biased, and I should be allowed to say what I want without anyone challenging it.


Ugh…nvm obviously you just want to look for an argument for the sake of it rather than discuss.

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I’m about 55% sure this is sarcasm. Ish.

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I dont think any party that stands for old fashioned labour / working man values gets into Downing st now. It gets you into the Senedd but the uk voting population combined with seat geography is pretty centrist or even just right of centre. Plus any leader of such party will be subject to a hatchet job from the right wing press just as Corbyn, Abbot, Milliband and Brown were ( to different degrees)

We can either bend over and continue to be shafted like we have for the last 14 years or look at the alternative. Sadly there’s only one.

I also wont be voting Labour. I’ll be voting for the party that keeps the tories out of my local seat. That is my only motivation for my vote in this election.


Agreed, I consider myself centre right etc ( not that it means anything to me personally)

But there are so many things that Corbyn wanted to do , which with hindsight I would 100% have voted for him if he was running labour now.

I worked for parcel force years ago and was involved with the union, and back then labour wanted to privatise royal mail just like the Tories before them…and it happened and these lot are now allowing a Czech billionaire to take them over.

Probably just me but things like utilities, rail, NHS and royal mail should be ring fenced and nationalised imo


It seems British people have an in-built disaster switch that they like to flick every so often just to make sure they don’t go through life without any hardship. Brexit a perfect example. 20 years (it sure feels like it) of voting in a bunch of posh chancers another.

Ordinarily I’d agree with you but I think any Remainer who didn’t fight back the lies in 2015/16 probably feels a little guilty that they didn’t do more to keep such a terrible decision at bay. I know I do. I let people talk absolute nonsense and repeated blatant Leave lies without questioning it.

I think in this day and age of Trumps. Johnsons (hee), Trusses, Brexits it’s almost necessary to make sure people make smart decisions with the tiny little power they do have. You may say it’s undemocratic but it’s a fuck-tonne better than the alternative.