UK Politics Thread (Part 3)



For an unknown reason, by the end of June he’ll do an ad in front of a giant green screen holding a massive dildo and a riding crop.


How many times do you have to be told not to post your sexual fantasies on here?


It’ll probably be his biggest vote winner

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Setting high early expectations and then spending four years to achieve them is a road to disaster. There is some tough medicine coming the UK’s way, fiscally the country is a complete mess. Better to manage expectations down, make the tough decisions, and then hope to see some improvement by year 3.


It is also very vulnerable to regional differences. If you think London gets the lion’s share of spending now, wait until no one actually needs votes from Wales/Scotland/Teeside, etc. to form governments.


I wonder how aware of the details on the economy Labour actually are while being in opposition? I’ve no doubt they’re completely aware that we’re in a hole but do they actually know how deep it is?

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This situation absolutely reeks of one of those ‘the books are in worse shape than we knew’ announcements coming. I suspect there are some absolutely massive obligations coming due, for example the sheer scale of the water infrastructure fix needed - private capital seems to have decided that walking away from billion dollar investments is a least worst. That’s not a good sign.


But it doesn’t work like that in my experience here in Germany. The fact that smaller regional parties can be part of a governing coalition spreads power across the country.

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I don’t think it necessarily needs full PR. An alternative/transferable vote system would be a vast improvement on what we have now. Many people would happily vote Green or Lib Dem if they knew it would be less likely to gift the seat to the Tory’s.


I’ll give you a like but Lynne Truss wouldn’t :wink:

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That’s an excellent question. The answer is (probably) that they have a pretty good idea and will pretend to be utterly ignorant of the situation from day one. Ah, day one….

I bet he is announcing that Reform are stepping back, like last time, the fucking cunt.

He will have got concessions from the Tory party. He’ll be leading it by 2030.



He’s been out canvassing racists and he thinks he has got a chance of a seat if he stands somewhere really Brexity, like Boston or Southend.

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Yeah, one.
The real reason is the federal structure, including the Bundesrat. And the Länderfinanzausgleich, of which Berlin is the main profiteur.
Not sure that translates well to the UK’s political system.


There is the potential for problems within Reform if they did announce this as I get the sense (I might be wrong on this though) that Richard Tice wants to fight the election - even if Reform withdraw, Conservatives are still expected to lose. This may be their best chance of getting a seat somewhere.

Yeah, I know it’s not that simple, but I was just countering the Idea that PR was bad for the regions.

I had thought he would look to avoid running because he doesn’t want to be seen losing. However, wasn’t he asked about standing a few days ago and responded by saying he had missed the deadline for registering (which I don’t think is the case) or something?

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