UK Politics Thread (Part 3)

I’ve always seen migration as a consequence of British soft power. You want an empire? You want to control half the world? You want to use that cultural hegemony to force the world to speak English?

You can’t really complain that people then want to come and live here if they can no longer live in their own country.


Well, I think we can comfortably rule out 1 seat for Farage & Co.


Well the UK were until Hitler invaded Poland.
In fact didn’t the UK help him a lot before then?

It’s not just the headline though. Further down the article he refers to women as the ‘spounge class’ so you can almost guarantee a fairly strong vote against him as there would be very few females that would vote for soeone that veiws them as spounges, and I imagine a fair to reasonable number of guys would as well.

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Its not about more, or less.
Its about the “right” ones

In what way?

Also, female soldiers “almost made me wretch (sic)” and were a “total liability”.

I mean you read the headline and think they picked out the worst thing about him, then you read the rest and realise that is his “moderate” views.


Just let them march into Czechoslovakia.
Multiple German infringements of the treaty of Versaille ignored.
As were the protests of France, ignored.
Deliberate faffing about and slow if any reaction.
No meaningful diplomacy or communication with Russia leading to Germany having the upperhand …

You do realise Chamberlain was PM for much of this. Only useful for flapping empty pieces of paper about.

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Just glancing at headlines from Lib Dem manifesto. Are they now to the left of Labour?


Yes they are, because Starmer has had to appeal to the Brexit and immigration loons in order to get a majority.


I occasionally get the Sunday Times. I have bought the Sunday Observer and in the past the Sunday Mail :see_no_evil: for special offers.

I used to read the Evening Standard and Metro for my tube commute for work and for special offers and what events are going on in London.

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I think there is a rise of migrant phobia everywhere, big and small countries. They lumped all the problems to all the immigrants. And that is an extreme position.

Like some said, there needs to be a mixture of solutions and I would most segment of people, whether you like to label yourself left or right in the UK, just want a clear and reasonable government policies on immigration.

Firstly it cannot be a free for all, if people who are suffering from lack of income or housing, see people coming and getting priority over them, it’s natural to be angry. For a country like UK, the government needs to be clear how to deal and settle the refugees. Because if done well, this big group of people, can be a valued migrant work force. Train them and assimilate them and I am sure there are labour intensive industries that can use them, and by and large, majority of these refugees would really love to make a living in a new country and not just squat around in camps not knowing what’s going to happen.

Secondly be clear who and what you want to attract. If you are inviting mostly people who comes and compete with your own people’s competency, then of course they will get angry. The government needs to be clear what the British citizens are good at and what future proof skills to train them in especially the younger ones, then go out and attract people to fill gaps.

I think most people left and right and centre, except some extremists, appreciate reasonable and well thought out policies. A free for all or loosely controlled immigration policy is always going to piss people off.

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I would say that these rightwing nutjobs have really lost the plot, but I don’t think they ever followed it.

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Nut jobs but bar a couple of obvious ones who stick their head above the parapet it bugs me that we really dont know or see the others that back this stuff.

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I found out today that the process to get yourself nominated as a Reform Candidate at the General Election is to fill out a one side A4 application form (asking probing questions like ‘do you promise you aren’t a massive racist’) and then pay a substantial fee (still trying to find out how much) to Reform PLC (principle owner - Nigel Farage).


What are you waiting for?


Same scam as the last General Election, then.

Farage asked people to fork out their own cash to stand as a candidate, and then stood a bunch of them down because he had a better offer from the Tories.

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Fuck em. Anyone stupid enough to join the Brexit scammer again deserves to be scammed again


Rishi coming out with his impoverished childhood and going without:

Reminds me of my ‘l just went to my local school’ windup I do with my wife when she tries to (erroneously) call me silver spoon (I’m not the one who grew up with horses, FFS)


He went to a private boarding school. He didn’t go without. Still, it is interesting to hear of his impoverishments. “No Sky TV”. It was clearly Dickensian.