UK Politics Thread (Part 3)

Worked for 30p Lee.


Obtuse as ever.
If I have to list even a small selection of things society needs, which are derived from oil, then I think we’re done here.

Seems some people genuinely believe that

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I thought the point was quite obvious.

Much of what passes for debate on this issue is polarizing extremes of we must stop using fossil fuels right this minute on one hand and climate change denial on the other, neither of which really helps move us forward.

There needs to be a grown-up debate about the transition itself and what it would realistically look like.


The third part which must be factored in is the already baked in change and what would be the very long recovery period. And what is possible to mitigate and shorten that if possible.

Or alternatively should we?

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The point was blatantly obvious


Aren’t we too late for this debate, it’s one or the other now, no?
So take your pick! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I think I understand what @Dane is saying, but I’m not sure he understands what ‘obtuse’ means. I’m always fascinated by this tendency we have as a species to elevate how we want to live over what it’s possible for the planet to cope with.

On the bit I’ve quoted, we’ve had decades to have a grown up debate about a gradual transitions. I think we might have missed the boat on that one, judging by the data on the state of the climate. We’re now at the point where we need a really quick exit from our oil based culture. We are tipping into terrifying apocalypse territory.

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Just wondering how you can have that grown up conversation without China and Russia at the table?

Obtuse - Slow to understand.

It’s not about what we want to have to live, its about not being able to live without.
Medical equipment and pharmaceuticals spring to mind, yet here you are on your soap box trying to convince people its about lifestyle choices.


You can’t have a grown up conversation with China, Russia or the US at the table.

That’s why we are fucked.



I don’t have any hope that we will change course, at a significant enough scale, to make all that much of a difference.

It needs joined up global action. The main players who could do something have their own vested interests, and they just do not trust each other, or worse, are working against one another.

Things will get a lot worse before a genuine effort is made, by which time who knows what state we will be in ?

Someone at work mentioned a podcast which i must find that basically said that stuff that us baked in miw will take centuries if not millenia to reverse.

I’ll need to make sure im right on that.

We’ll still be flying, driving internal combustion engine cars and building bombs in 20 years time. Is humanity fucked? Will the planet kick us off? Doubt it but nothing will change until the general public actually start to suffer harm.This summer’s shit, global warming my arse.

Is that Welsh?

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New phone with an overly stupid predictive text and tiny keyboard.

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True but its already happening but we’re too stupid to join the dots.

The second part of your statement is grossly false sorry but i’m sure your comment was in gest.
Guess the deniers didnt figure that climate change involved more rain.


Example number 6,551,435 of things that can’t be produced without hydrocarbons