UK Politics Thread (Part 3)

I am absolutely pushing for change. However it’s not quite so straight forward. The reason the globe is able to support its population today is fertilisers and pesticides. Without this earths population would be billions less.

It’s why the EU has largely abandoned its organic farming farm to fork (organic could not sustain the population)

It’s very difficult to go backwards (we almost use 10x less land than we did in WW2)

Even things like plastics (take a film on a cucumber as example) that is inherently better for the environment than not wrapping a cucumber. As that reduces waste as it extends its life by about a week. It also protects it during transport. Tesco recently went plastic free cucumbers and it was a huge failure. Lots of waste and the amount of carbon that goes into the cucumber (fertiliser, pesticides, transport) is something like 80x greater than the plastic.

We absolutely needs to change, we need to change far faster than we are. However we do need solutions.

Government commitments mean nothing without an alternative.


I really don’t understand why he doesn’t commit to joining the Customs Union as it is a relatively quick fix to the biggest problems: poor access to the EU and lousy Tory trade agreements elsewhere.

I suspect that you will just get a UK-EU Customs Agreement which is the CU in all but name.


Because it’ll be portrayed as a betrayal of Brexit and risk angering those “red wall” voters he is so desperate to win back.


Thanks, I don’t know how I missed that. :crazy_face:

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Isn’t The Office for Budget Responsibility stepping outside it’s function here?
Certainly undermining it’s independant label.

There’s a very simple solution that I’ve banged on about for years.

Fewer people.

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Judging by the graph I saw the other day (a data scrape of bets placed on a July 4th election in the days leading up to the announcement) it’s a lot more than four.


TBF it was probably the last chance for many of them to making money illicitly, to good to ignore. :see_no_evil:

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As I posted before the announcement, I’d heard the rumour several days before…….

I knew about it early on the 22nd May.

@Klopptimist what’s your point?

I mean those being investigated are persons who would know for sure before the announcement and at least one of them deliberately tried to ‘slip under the radar’ placing a number of bets of less than £100.

This has nothing to do with a rumour you heard the day of the announcement (which was probably suspected as soon as the press had the call of an important announcement). I mean did you hear this rumour from a close political ally of Sunak a week before and immediately start placing bets?
I doubt it so your posts are irrelevant to the Tory betting scandal.

I’m assuming that the bookmakers did by then as well. Rumours are often started because of sudden movements of odds.


My point is that I posted it on here before anybody else :slight_smile: #smartarse

Seriously, the cat was out of the bag, possibly due to the bets, possibly. As for where I heard it, friends in low places :wink:


CCHQ? Doesn’t get much lower than that.

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He also put a bet on the election date :wink:

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London Met police?


Well my vote’s in the mail. Time for the Tories to fuck off and hopefully disappear out of all existence.


I have got my postal vote, haven’t filled it up yet.