UK Politics Thread (Part 3)

Still mulling it over Maria? :heart_eyes:


:frowning::weary::tired_face: yes. I really like this youngster Pedro, he is in my constituency. He is an Independent. I know he wonā€™t have a chance against Labour or Conservatives, but to do.
I want to vote to save the NHS, Education, cleaner water for all and so that the next generation will have a future. I will be gone in the future.

BBC News - Five of the youngest general election candidates - BBC News


It looks like Ealing Southall is 100% Labour anyway:

Itā€™s not really a wasted vote whoever you vote for there. You may as well go with who you think is best.

12 candidates, though! I thought my constituency was bad enough with 9. Iā€™m guessing that there must be a local Sikh community, judging by some of the names?


Iā€™m guessing that youā€™ve never been to Southall. :joy:



I havenā€™t. I just looked it up. 28.5% Sikh. Thatā€™s probably more than the whole of Germany! I actually get quite excited when I see a man in a turban now. I know, thatā€™s rather sad.


Looks and sounds like a decent kid. Iā€™d vote for him just so he might get his deposit money back!
I would also feel more comfortable with myself voting for someone I felt was decent. If i can I vote for a candidate I know personally (I can not understand how one could vote for someone shipped in by some central party know nothings) So I vote rarely and generally ā€˜independantā€™.

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Iā€™m worried and praying for you. Havenā€™t prayed in a very long time, itā€™s rather perverted praying to yourself. :grinning:

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I have known him since he was 5, through his mum. He is so kind, mannerful, intelligent and thoughtful person. He saved up and got a few donations from friends and family, so he could put his name down. It is an experience for him. I told him why he wanted to be a politician and that we mostly hate them, it is a thankless job. He said with so much sincerity that he wanted to make a difference. At the moment, he is young, idealistic and hopeful for the future. I didnā€™t want to put him off too much, that you become old, wiser and more cynical about everything.

His mum saved my motherā€™s life on many occasions and my mum lived longer than most people in that condition. She has saved so many patients in the community. She is ex ICU specialist nurse, but does community nursing at high level now. She cares for people especially the elderly and vulnerable. All the patients would call up and want her to see and treat them. On many occasions, she went beyond the call of duty, to get patients admitted in emergency situations.

With regards to Southall I am about 15 minutes from there. It has become more gentrified and tidier. Since Elizabeth line has been there, the apartments there have become expensive. Quite Arabs shopping there for spices there in the last 10 years or so or its East Acton or Acton vale. It has changed alot.

P.s there are still queues for Jalebi junction :laughing:


I donā€™t know if it is still there tbh. It is in the old part of Southall. Alot has changed there too.

With regards to Labour in Ealing borough, overall, it is safe. My cousins constituency is Ealing North, the MP there is up for re-election.
Even though, when i talk to the local neighbours in the area, they are all still fed up with Labour.

I hope that Labour wonā€™t think that any victory they might win in this election is due to the publicā€™s love of them or their policies. It will actually be an overwelming rejection of the Tories.
Iā€™d imagine a majority of those voting Labour will only be doing it because itā€™s the best way of getting a change in government. It would be an error for them to see it as an outpouring of love for Labour.


I think so too. People have have enough and want a change now.

If any Labour candidate ( I doubt in my neck of the woods in Hanwell side), i will be giving them a piece of my mind.


Actually, there are now new ways emerging, which will allow us to produce plastic without oil (and in part already allow us to do so):

It will still need a bit of time, but we are on the best way going there.


ā€œAll our environmental problems become easier to solve with fewer people, and harder ā€“ and ultimately impossible ā€“ to solve with ever more people.ā€
Sir David Attenborough
Population Matters patron

No Govt will say this though as it means fewer tax revenues. The whole tax system is a Ponzi scheme with every generation paying for the generation before.


Can we have plastic without plastic though.

I donā€™t want it in my testicles thanks.

Vote for your boy Maria, youā€™ll feel better and the Tories will still lose.


To be a bit critical of that hypothesis and organisation it only really becomes super effective if everyone within the population is at the same level froma carbon footprint standpoint. Reducing the carbon footprint of those that emit the lowest co2 does very little when those that emit the most are orders of magnitude higher.

Yes I agree with their philosophy of increasing education levels across the population will help to slow population growth, but its the tip of the iceberg (pun intended). Education, civil rights, health care access, all contribute but what does all of this do to those that fly in a private jet every other day? How does this reduce foitballs carbon footprint for example?

We really need to be tackling both ends of the scale in my opinion.


donā€™t want it either. But the good thing with plastics made from natural products is that they havenā€™t the same characteristics. Plastic bags made out of rests of organic materials for instance decompose themselves way faster than plastic bags made out of oil, and they are harmless for the environment, and also for our testicles! :sweat_smile:

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Thatā€™s just what the Tories want you to do.

Fragment the centre-left vote, as everyone thinks Labour will win anyway, and the Tories sneak in through the back door.


Iā€™ve spent many years as an Environmental Campaigner arguing with people about population.

The arguments around population are at best a huge distraction from genuine solutions, and at worst downright racist. What population arguments always seem to come down to, more or less, is blaming the (usually brown) people who have not caused and are not contributing to these problems.