UK Politics Thread (Part 3)

I don’t think the TV and film industry help with the eradication of the use of terminology like that.
Using “The Wire” as an example, but I’m sure there are hundreds of similarly scripted examples


The Jews have indeed been subject to centuries of religious persecution. But only the Nazis were daft and mean enough to build an entire racial theory around them.

So, even though Jews can’t be defined as a race by any reasonable standard, they were still tagged as such by the Nazis, and thus fell victim to racism, the poor buggers.


The thing is the Nazis did differentiate themselves biologically from Jews.

They used pseudoscience measurements

That’s a poster of saying Jews are bastards of other races deemed inferior.

Quite shocked this needs discussion, I thought this was common knowledge.


Didn’t James Brown settle that question?


It stands to reason that the Nazi were batshit, but the extent of their absurdity is often not acknowledged.

Hitler was obsessed with discovering scientific proof of Aryan biological distictness, and lavishly funded scientific projects and expeditions to find proof of this claim.

So yeah, the Nazi’s weren’t persecuting the Jews because of their religious differences (although I’m sure that was part of it). They literally thought they were a different, and superior, race.

The irony is that Aryan only started to be used as term for Nordic/German master race in the mid 19th century. The original Aryans were people who settled in the Middle East and India, and laid down a lot of the cultural in those areas including the Hindu faith.

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And yet here we are, using a definition concocted by the Nazis to define racism.

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All racism is batshit. Granted the Nazi ideology wins the batshit price though.


It goes beyond that: any form of discrimination is batshit.

But, once again, people are fuckwits.


agreed, discrimination is batshit.

but the lines are blurred as the worlds boundaries shrink…when the europeans settled en masse to post war australia they always settled around the same areas as others of thier culture, all first wave immigrants seem to do this…at what point is an italian immigrant, who wants to shop at an italian grocery store, eat at italian resturaunts and prefers to spend time with fellow italian immigrants…at what point is he discriminating?

also, on a seperarte point, theres a difference between discriminating and differentiating, seems like alot of the younger generation cant decipher the difference…

for instance, i can easily say ‘lets go to an indian resturaunt’ and no one bats an eyelid…whether if i say, ‘that fish and chip shop is run by indians’ people start to wince and get hypersensitive to what my next words might be…god forbid if i said ‘i dont like the fish and chips at that one run by the indians’…

Many ‘Indian’ restaurants are run by Pakistanis or Bangladeshis.

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:see_no_evil: :see_no_evil: :see_no_evil:

We have to be careful about accidentally defining racism out of existence. On a biological level race does not exist. There is no difference between a white person and a black person, beyond the very superficial.

But to me it stands to reason that if you believe you are racially superior and then discriminate on the basis of that, it’s racism. That’s really where it ends. A semantic argument about the nature of race isn’t going to help with anything.

It think it’s obvious that the discrimination and persecution the Jews have suffered through history has been the result of the belief that they are a separate race. Therefore it’s racism.

On a side note, isn’t it interesting that whenever anyone concludes there is a superior race, it’s always their race that happens to be the superior one :thinking:

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There is only 1 race, the human race. And humans are cunts /thread

Drop The Mic GIF


I couldn’t find the study I was looking for however these look relevant…

My opinion is: It may be very difficult to determine Race at a genetic level, but our social construct of Race, right now, does matter, and does impact peoples lives, in a big way.

And Dianne Abbott is an idiot for writing that letter.


Same discussion every few weeks. I’m not going to post the same links again.


Being better at running doesn’t make someone a separate race. Its a very superficial difference in the grand scheme of thing.

People with ginger hair tend to burn really quick in the sun. Does that make them a different race as well?

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My wife is a retired teacher but a few years ago she took the class on a visit to the synagogue here in Liverpool and she was talking to the rabbi. He said his congregation were regularly shouted at and had stuff thrown at them when they came to worship. Also the jewish graves in Liverpool were often vandalised or graffitied with offensive stuff.

Jewish people have been slowly migrating to Manchester where there is a much larger community.