UK Politics Thread (Part 3)

Still infinitely preferable to a party that has systematically run down the country for the last fourteen years.


Keep telling yourself that. Handing the keys from the corrupt to the lunatics, good plan.

And you keep believing your sad little Tory fantasy that Labour are going to be even more inept than your party has been for the last fourteen years.


As I’ve said several hundred times, I’m no Tory. And we’ll see if it’s a fantasy in a few years time. It’ll take that long for them to fuck it up because their progress will be glacial. By progress I mean moving forward not improvement. I might be wrong, doubt it. Not being a card carrying member of a union, fantasising about Stalin and generally embracing the concept of radical left wing ideology does not give you a Conservative party membership card. But you know that.

And yet your posting history categorically suggests otherwise. :thinking:

The Tory doth protest too much, methinks.


My posting history is that of a person whos opinions ally with the right. Doesn’t make me a Tory? Do you like success in European football? Must make you a Real fan.

That nasty German bloke from the 30’s breathed air, QED all air breathers wear armbands.

Doesn’t work like that mate, as you know.

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In this general election, given our ridiculous FPTP system, you’re either a Tory or Labour.

Therefore, until 22:00 next Thursday, you’re a Tory.

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Im not voting for Labour.
Does that make me a Tory?

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For the purposes of this election, yes it does.


So everyone planning to vote Lib Dem, SNP, Plaid Cymru, Greens etc is now a Tory?

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Fuck me. How difficult is it?

Only Starmer or Sunak can be PM on 5th July. If you don’t vote Labour, you might as well be a Tory.

And I say this as someone who has been a member of the Green Party for many years.

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I’ll take my chances on voting whats best for my local constituency thanks.

On a nation wide basis, we’re all getting shafted anyway, whichever of those 2 slimy gutless cunts gets in.


What’s best for the people who live in your local constituency is getting these chancers out of government.

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What’s best for my local constituency is keeping SNP out.
But I suspect you’ll probably argue that you know better.

Let’s agree to disagree on this one.

Oh, the irony.

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I am definitely not voting Labour, it doesn’t mean I support the Conservatives.

I am voting for Independent candidate Pedro Da Conceicao. Even if he wasn’t standing I would vote for someone else who’s policies i agreed with.

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This depends entirely on the constituency. If you are not voting for the party most likely to keep the Tory out in that constituency then you may as well not be voting.

That means voting Lib Dem in many places (as both my brother and do who are both strong Labour supporters), Plaid or SNP in certain Welsh/Scottish constituencies, Green in Brighton etc. It’s a totally negative voting system.

During the 2017 GE, members of the Scottish Labour party thought it would be a good wheeze to arrange tactical voting against the SNP. This resulted in sufficient Scottish Tory MPs to be elected to allow them to form an agreement with the DUP and stay in government. Whatever you think of the SNP, they were left-leaning and fundamentally opposed to Brexit. I will never forgive the Scottish Labour party for this but I would still be prepared to vote for them if that would keep the Tory out.


I can’t vote Tory or Labour. Does that make me a Tory?

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Telling people to vote for a particular party doesn’t work out.

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He lives in Northern Ireland?

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