UK Politics Thread (Part 3)

He’s an awkward sod :wink:


So am I, but it won’t stop me from voting out these wankstains.

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The system is what it is and I cant see it changing anytime soon. For me the priority is getting the Conservatives out. Nothing else matters at this time, just get them out.

Voting for anyone other than the party best placed to beat the tories is basically a tory vote because all other candidates split the opposing vote, other than Reform. They really bug me and in my opinion a real concern for the UK in general.


Take solace in the idea that the probability of your vote actually dictating an outcome is unbelievably low, let alone dictating which party forms government. So much so that it is a result of economic analysis of political science that voting doesn’t make sense.


Seems like my contempt for the Scottish Labour Party is not misplaced. There is now footage of the candidate from 2019 admitting that they encouraged people to vote Tory. Wanker.


Apparently so

In fairness, there are far worse pieces of shit standing for parliament.

Make sure that you steer clear of this character in Wavertree:


Yes, he’s tweeting his mandate to keep Liverpool as a ‘Scouse Identity’.

The news is, that he is getting absolute pelters by the local Scousers and Scousers around the world.:joy:

He is tone deaf to the history of the city and it was built by immigrants.



As John Oliver put it the other day, if a wild badger got in your house and ripped everything to bits, you worry about the decor another day. Right now, that fucking badger has to go.

Reform are a concern going forward, but we really don’t know what Farage’s next move is. I suspect he really wants to drag the Tories further to the right and then take over the party.

When in government Labour needs a far right strategy. Some kind of reform to parliamentary process to prevent a bellend like Farage driving a coach and horses through standards.


Parties not represented here, though Labour has links with SDLP.

Same debate occurs though- you have to vote for DUP or SF to keep the other from being main party. I have never and would never vote for either


They really do. Farage feeds off his cult celebrity status and far too many lap up his economy with the truth and borderline language. Its really disturbing in my opinion.

Im not saying he needs to be deleted but more just shut down with real facts etc.

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It’s really hard to know how the far right genie gets put back in the bottle. Seems like every country are grappling with their own version of Farage


Tragically, it seems that this generation has to relearn the lessons of the middle of the last century. Far right governments will be elected and cause chaos until the tide turns. Nationalism is bound to lead to conflict with neighbours and thus war and instability.
Meanwhile Russian and Chinese vultures circle.


There was an excellent article on a similar theme in this morning’s paper:


I find myself agreeing with Monbiot more and more. Unfortunately, even if this were to miraculously take place in the UK, the world economic powers would not allow it.

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As I have posted many times before, the world is run by billionaires, for billionaires.

The neoliberal agenda that has been in place since the 1970s has fucked everything up, but nobody cares. Ensure you feed the masses just enough crumbs to avoid revolt and carry on as usual.


As long as you can indulge yourself in the odd £500 lunch im sure you’ll be fine

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I am, thanks.

But instead of wasting your time worrying about my lunch habits, you should be concentrating your thoughts on why the country is so fucked.


Wasted thoughts.
Labour will win, the country will continue to be fucked, and ordinary people will probably be worse off financially into the bargain

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