UK Politics Thread (Part 3)

Just out of interest, does MSN News only get fed from the right-wing press? I sometimes have the MSN news as the homepage when I open the wrong browser and its always chockers with right-wing Brexit garbage so I guess Microsoft has some deal with the rags like Telegraph, Express and the Heil?


I doubt it. Must be something those papers do with the algorythms or something picking it up from links you have previously read ? as my google feed is sometimes full of similar links or sources but on other topics.

It’s bad yes. I noticed it the first time I saw it, and it’s not got much better over a year down the line. You do get some stuff from the Guardian, Independent, Mirror but the overwhelming majority is the Express, Mail and the fluffed up by the Telegraph.


Can you win another election by just making furious ‘Torygraph’ readers even more furious?
I know it has work for about 20 years but surely at some point it has to come to an end hasn’t it?

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Just what you get when fantasy meets reality, falling to pieces!

This govt has made me more radicalised than i have ever been in my life. I have never gone on so many strikes and demos in one year than in my whole life. It is brought out the citizen Smith in me!
I really, really, really, hate this govt, what they are doing to our country. They clapped for the nurses and NHS staff, during Covid now they take them to court with our taxpayers money. I have friends still working in my old NHS place, they worked beyond the call of duty during Covid, they were the ones with our dying loved ones when we were not allowed to visit them in hospital. Some Of them got long Covid and forced to quit or take early retirement.

I hope the this corrupt govt are demolished at the local elections.



Rapidly losing sympathy with them now. Striking on Cup Final day as well. This is punishing the city of Liverpool. Well done guys.

I’m not. Rail companies are being subsidised with public money while the strikes happen. It’s not hurting them one jot. It allows the government to ignore them.

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Why not lose patience with the railway companies?


There’s also this: UK ministers blamed for blocking possible rail strikes deal

EDIT: Without even taking sides between the workers and the companies, it’s worth noting that the FT article suggests that the TOCs may have made acceptable offers to the striking workers, but were blocked from doing so by the government.

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Why lose patience with the workers fighting for fair pay and treatment and not with the rail companies and government who have a 20 year history of screwing over the average worker?


Because they could have picked a different day. This is a big day for our city and more importantly for Ukraine. Simple. Are you aware of how much work has gone into this here in Liverpool. Lots of other activities and events are planned on that day.


That statement simply amounts to “don’t inconvenience us at all”, which undermines the point of a strike, no?


The only way for industrial action to be effective is to inconvenience someone.
Otherwise there is no point.
Marches/protests/on line campaigns are useless in gaining traction. You have to inflict a bit of pain.

Its unfortunate for anyone who suffers the inconvenience, but from a tactical point of view you have to use what you can.

Meaningful discussion and working with the unions can stop the action.
This is on the government and rail companies as much as the unions.


This is true but in this instance it’s not really hitting 100% where it should be. The rail companies being bailed out is disgusting imo. It’s a proper stitch up job.


Should have never been appointed in the first place.


So, the government decided to issue an amendment to the opposition’s proposal for fines for water companies that dump sewage which basically took it down. They have their own plans apparently. :roll_eyes:
We really need to rid ourselves from this lot.

Tory MPs Have Voted Down Labour's Bid To Stop Sewage Being Pumped Into Rivers | HuffPost UK Politics

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I do wonder whether the language used by Labour when putting this to MPs made it difficult for the Tories to vote in favour of it. Calling it the ‘Tory Sewage Scandal’ and attaching every bit of it to the Tory party (as they should) left Labour in a win-win situation. Either the Tories need to take a big step-down and own the Sewage dumping issue while admitting that Labour were right, or they take the second option which they have done which is to pretend the issue doesn’t exist. It seems egos trump optics with the Tory party and Labour comes out better for it.

You could say the above is the case any time an opposition party puts forth a proposal to MPs but I think Labour played this one quite well. I think its a big enough issue in the mind of us peasants that they might get some traction.


They did but for me there’s 2 fundamental issues in play here.

  1. How the hell were we allowed to get into this position in the first place?

  2. Fundamentally government should be about doing the right thing. Now here we have an issue where something is clearly broken and needs correcting. It doesn’t matter what colour your politics are, this is fundamentally fucked and should be put right but the UK political system and 2 party bullshit basically turns this into a literal shit shower.

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