UK Politics Thread (Part 3)

Grant Shapps gone

Reports that Mordaunt’s team are conceding Portsmouth North


@cynicaloldgit Apparently the vote was split evenly between Shaheen and Tatler, for an independent to get that, her personal brand must be really strong.

Yep. I have friends who live there and they say Faiza is brilliant.

Corbyn wins.


It wasn’t even close.

21k votes for him. Bloody hell.

Little reminder here.

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Exactly :100:. Labour shot themselves in the foot with their arrogance. My auntie will be fuming, she hates IDS. He’s her MP for the next 5 years.:grimacing:

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Badenoch wins. :face_vomiting:


Your f***ing kidding me, Farage wins in Clacton :see_no_evil: :sob:

Love the guardian update with photo

More now from Keir Starmer ’s victory speech, in which he pledged to “end the politics of performance”

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I thought Leicester South had gone to Conservatives?

Edit - sorry that was Leicester East.

See you all later alligators :smiley::wave:


Perhaps the more insightful questions to ask would be “did you vote Labour despite not agreeing with their policies?”

Because while only 5% says that agreement with policy is the biggest reason, that does not mean that there might be a huge number who have this reason as their next biggest because after all it’s quite clear that people are disillusioned with the Conservatives. But still the Labour should be concerned about how real this is and work accordingly because of they are only in power because of a sole reason of hatred for the Conservatives, they will find that hatred can easily turn over to them by the next election if they don’t have policies that resonate and shows reasonable improvement to people lives.

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Headlines " People express Shock At Adam winning the seat."

Cruella retains her seat.

How thick are people in Fareham?


Actually how does the MP of each seat work in UK? For example if the seat that Farage represents need to build public amenities or even routine maintenance, does Farage have to find his own resources and funds to do it since he is not from ruling government or the government is obliged to despite not having that seat?

Greens take Bristol - Thangam gone.

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It shows the absolute idiocy of protest voting in a first past the post system.

You decide you don’t like Labour’s policy on Gaza. Five thousand of you vote for an independent. The Conservative, who have a worse policy on Gaza, get in.

Well done.