UK Politics Thread (Part 3)

The Local Authority does that kind of stuff. The Local MP just campaigns for things

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I guess the surviving Tories appear to be towards the right of the party, if so they may not come back from this.

stoke on trent is labour - was that Gullis’s seat?

Gillian Keegan has gone. Obviously didn’t work fucking hard enough.

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Well it may not be your cup of tea, but in a democracy , you do have to accept that another individual top priority is different from yours. Maybe yours is to topple Conservative, theirs is only anything to do with Gaza. They see what they see .

Mentioning Protest voting is oxymoron because this election, there are indeed a huge number of people I believe are protest voting Labour in because they simply want the Conservatives out.

However, I also think it’s dangerous if some think, oh Labour will win anyway so let’s vote another party for the sake of it and ends up getting the shorter end of the stick.

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Tice wins. That makes 4 Reform MPs.


Labour and Tory are not protest votes. You don’t protest vote for a party that might win. A protest vote is for an independent or minor party.

As Stewart Lee said shitting your hotel bed in protest at poor service and realising you have to sleep in a shitted bed.

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So is reality so far even more positive than the exit polls? As in, is it possible the Tories get less than the 131 predicted seats? I’m finding it impossible to know which constituencies were not as the exit poll predicted. Would love Tory misery to be even more crushing.

Happy that some constituencies have gone against the grain of Labour just so the party know they can’t just go ever further Right and get away with the Left vote.

If you take the acts who play end of pier shows in Great Yarmouth, it doesn’t surprise me. Any towns where Roy Chubby Brown and Jim Davidson can pull a crowd has a chance of going Reform.


BBC predicting 160 maj for Labour (less than exit poll, and a few more Tories in the end.

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Mordaunt gone.


Labour have won more seats now than at the last election!

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Holden survives in Basildon after recounts


So a lot of hidden ’ “I’d never vote Tory” nekminnit votes Tory’ types.

A few on here too.

Nick Nick.

It wasn’t even close.

The exit polls predicted higher votes for Reform and Lib Dems which no longer look like happening. Also, the Leicester seats appear to have caught people by surprise.

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Recount underway in Hunt’s constituency as he and Lib Dems are within 100 votes of each other apparently. Not sure which of them is ahead

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Johnny Mercer, another Minister, has just gone.


Coffey gone.