UK Politics Thread (Part 3)

I actually did one of those survey things that matched your party to your views on manifesto items. I actually came out Lib Dem top, which surprised me. Oddly enough, my brother (lifetime Labour supporter) votes for them as the Labour candidate where he lives have no chance. It looks like I can return the favour with a Labour MP. The electoral system really is silly.


ā€œwearing a baked beans balaclavaā€ and he is still not the weirdest looking person in the photo


Generally content (Iā€™m never happy) with what they do for the area.

For example, just in the past 6 months, my cul de sac has had complete road re surfacing, and all street lighting renewed with additional lights added.
Full fibre installed too.

At the very least, they would have been in collaboration with the service providers.

On a wider scale, generally the roads are in good condition, we have 3 primary schools, and a brand new secondary school recently built to cater for 1400 pupils.

Local businesses sometimes struggle due to very high business rates, but thats a fairly national issue isnt it?


Truss didnā€™t speak on stage coz sheā€™s a fucking spineless shite, but told Ross Atkins the ā€˜human rights actā€™ is to blameā€¦

What a waste of fucking oxygen.


Iā€™m happy.

Iā€™ve known for ages noone loves Labour anymore.

Like I said a few weeks ago, this is just a starting point.

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I seriously thought itā€™s some romcom :rofl:


Jesus, can you imagine how much you would have cleaned up on election night bingo if you had blaming the Human Rights Act?


The SNP demise is worrying. I wonder how they plan to regroup.


I still think he is a one of the biggest Tory P***ks ever, nobody in the NHS likes him. We all remember when he was Health Secretary.


37% of the popular vote held by Reform and Conservative. Given they are very similar - one littered with corrupt individuals and the other with slightly more extreme individuals - strongly suggests that the same issues and beliefs exist by the public but are hiding below the surface. Labour should expect a massive swing away from them at the next election.

I donā€™t think they do, but I hope Labour have the balls to make the changes that the country needs while they have the time in government and not just play it safe with a view on the next election.

Given how safe Starmer had played it during the campaign I wonā€™t say Iā€™m confident.


I am really worried that Reform have seats in Parliament. If Labour donā€™t get it right, then i fear more people will vote Reform.


If youā€™d told me at the start of the night theyā€™d have four, I would have taken that. At 3am Farage was getting very giddy about getting twenty seats.

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Worrying is not how Iā€™d describe it.
Amusing, relieving, satisfying, comforting are more appropriate descriptions.

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Letā€™s hope Starmer can invoke his inner Rafa and point out to his team that while they might have won a landslide in terms of seats, they have also only won a third of the vote share, despite polling having them at 40% prior to the elections. Should be very sobering that even now itā€™s still fewer seats than Blair achieved.

This was very much a vote against the Conservatives rather than a vote for Labour, and they should be constantly reminded about that.


This is very relevant.
No way was this a mass show of support for Labour.
Simply put, it was a mass show of discontent of the Tories in a ā€˜get them out at all costsā€™ vote.

Once the Viagra wears off, reality will take over.
Weā€™re still a fucked nation.


Iā€™d like to think that the electorate is wise to that fact, that no matter what, a lot of the damage is structural and will take years to mend.

Starmer has shown some signs of being aware of the longer-term structural issues, but the question remains as to whether he can follow through with execution.

I think Scotland has just returned to itā€™s long term mean, which is supporting Labour in the highly populated central belt and other parties elsewhere for Westminster. You will get more of an idea of travel at the next Scottish Parliament elections which are under the Dā€™Hondt PR system (similar to Germany, Netherlands etc) so there is much less second guessing what everyone else is voting for.

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For me, I think the most telling thing in this election is at 8am the day after, there is only 8 seats still being counted.

The last few elections seem to go on for a couple of days, so this to me says that most seats were fairly comprehensivily won without there being any reason for recounts

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They will probably turn up about as often as Sinn FĆ©in MPs. Theoretically, Farage will have to work for the first time in his life, but I expect he will simply take his expenses and scarper. He was an MEP for years complaining about what a bad deal UK fishermen got from the EU. This was mainly because he was the UK representative on the fisheries committee and never turned up to any meetings.


One sure fire way of disenchanting the general public is to raise taxes and make them poorer.

Starmer was challenged during his televised debate with Sunak multiple times on his intent to raise pretty much ALL taxes, and didnā€™t deny or rebuke the claims once.