UK Politics Thread (Part 3)

@cynicaloldgit , what’s with senile fuckwits in your age group voting for conservatives ? Especially in that percentage.

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Lots of good bantz today…


It’s the off-season. In a few weeks she’ll go back to having just finished watching a game and then getting depressed/excited about the next one.

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The ultimate evolution of tactical voting I guess, just voting to get rid of the parties they hate rather than for the parties they want.


There’s a huge issue which has been totally overlooked in this campaign which is; why do people talk about MPs?
They are Members of Parliament, so surely the abbreviation should be MsoP, or MsP.
This needs to be addressed asap!

Plan A right there.

Maybe we can evolve from here but I do have serious doubts.

Yes, and you will see a similar picture across England. However, turnout has been low - so I’m curious as to whose voters have been staying home?

Also, where Labour and Lib Dem have won seats - how many of those votes were tactical, and did these ‘loaned’ votes cover for any Labour votes going to Reform or other parties/independents?

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Starmer already meeting the King:

Given that he has already had a senior civil servant as part of his team, I would expect him to get to business fairly quickly. I’m assuming that he has his provisional cabinet briefed already.


Can I be the first to say it…

Starmer out…

Pretty sure I won’t be the last :rofl:.

Enjoy the honeymoon Sir Keir before the wolves start circling…and that will just be your own MPs…:roll_eyes:


Wait till you meet Jim Allister


Needs to find a new Secretary of Work and Pensions and Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sports though.

Who? :astonished:I need to google him

Wales did very well.


TUV MP from the North who just took Ian Paisley jr seat(been in family for 54 yrs) in parliment.Opposed to the NI protocol.

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One piece of good news out of Northern Ireland is Ian Paisley Jr lost his seat in North Antrim.

Omg! Just seen Jim Allister​:astonished::face_with_spiral_eyes: :see_no_evil:


Great speech, now the question is whether he can deliver on it.

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Not sure is this good news or not now, what is your opinion?

I think what you have to remember about Farage is that this, essentially, is a grift.

He has charged every stupid fucker standing for Reform a fat wedge of cash, straight to the Reform PLC coffers.

I don’t think he’d turn that tap off lightly.