UK Politics Thread (Part 3)

Question is, can it scrutinize the government/ruling party if the Lords are appointed by the PM/ruling party. I would prefer if the Lords are appointed through cross-party votes or in proportion to the popular votes a party got.

@cynicaloldgit is willing to give you ÂŁ100k if it happens.

Blatant middle class bragging about his disposable income


They are appointments for life so theres this battle developed to appoint as many Tory Lords as possible to gain a majority there.

The appointment system has become farcical to the point where Plaid were able to appoint a 27 year old whos previous role was an advisor. Weird. There was also Charlotte Owen, Boris Johnson’s advisor which smelled very whiffy.

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I assume they will just not renew the rail contracts when they expire and take them over? I don’t know how long they all are but that would be ‘free’ nationalisation.


Yes thats my understanding.

The hidden cost will be hiring all the existing staff on terms that are attractive enough for them to stay.

That with restructuring the business along with new offices etc.

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You’re the one who said you would like a decent bet. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Brick by brick. Is right.

Day one, Rwanda. Good start.

There’s a long list of things to address, all in good time after 14 years of mismanagement or worse. It feels really good to have some proper people at the helm, who are not in it for themselves. Good luck to them all.


The water crisis is the one that boils my piss the most.

Despite the jokes, the UK has some beautiful beaches and waterways. It is deadset fucking outrageous what the Tories let happen to them.

Makes me very angry.


Don’t blame others for the crisis you caused.


I stick tampons up my arse to prevent skiddies.

I can flush them, yeah?

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Save your sweet talk for @PeachesEnRegalia


Despite what the Tories, and @Dane , think, tax is not the most important thing to voters, according to new research by Portland Communications:


The narrative about the NHS has been so grim for years now, if Labour were able to make a discernible positive impact they’d be guaranteed a second term.


Some things should not be privatized (thinking of water, but the point stands across multiple sectors). Short term profit is there to be made, but investment on updating old infrastructure and the needs of the future is not a priority to the immediate shareholders. Make your money. Let your contract expire. Get out.

And the public suffers.

We can, and should, do much better.

I am pro business and enterprise, but the infrastructure of the country cannot be handed over to locusts. Their goal is to consume and move on.

The old chestnut of waiting for weeks for a phone to be connected will be wheeled out, to illustrate the ineptitude of government. No one is interested in going back to the 1970s but since Thatcher started privatizing everything the pendulum swung too far, and private business has amply shown it is not the right solution to run everything.


Well said.

Locusts is right…the bonuses the water execs have paid themselves and the dividends that have gone to shareholders are fucking scandalous.


There have been significant advances in technology since the 1970s, something that a lot of people conveniently forget when talking about renationalising public services.

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How can you not vote for such an awesome guy? I’m talking about that Nick fellow :laughing:


And me. I probably spend more time in the sea than most on here and being honest getting ill from it scares me.

Our beaches are stunning and a massive area for people to enjoy year round. They’ve been fucked.

It was bad enough being asked to leave my local beach early last Thursday. Not happy and i may have a word with someone about it.

But I do like wearing my black rubber suit.


You can wear it on Saturday nights, if you don’t already do so.

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The crazy thing is that if you set up contracts correctly thrres enormous opportunity there fif private operators. I’m dead set against it as I ferl its not an economical way of delivering improvement but the fact remsins that ultimately the government that privatised water and in particular foul water were completely ignorant of what was needed to both drliver the service but also fundamentally manage it.

I mean manage in an engineering sense where you ultimately want to maintain an assets performance or improve on it. There are instances where a managed decline is also acceptable. We have managed to ignore it.