UK Politics Thread (Part 3)

Fair enough, but I ain’t calling the police if I disagree with your post.


It’s also entirely pointless. There has never been a problem with white representation in the House of Commons.

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Too busy trying on a new wettie?

Na more like trying to get out of it. I have one which is zipless. The swear box gets several donations trying to get out of that thing, along with some deltoid damage

Has to be one of the worst inventions ever. Think Zoolander underwear removal dance off but in a van

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Mark Francois’ comments today, followed by those of Jacob Rees-Mogg… this party is going to go so far to the right that only a small percentage of the electorate will vote for them.

I would like there to be a strong opposition, as I am no fan of this incarnation of the Labour Party, but the current Conservatives are utterly useless.


I’m impressed by Labours first few days, some common sense policy announcements right off the bat. Clearly had done a lot of work before hand and had a clear plan on what they were going to do.



They have no plan, plus I got a tax bill for £2k today, from Keir himself, the bastard!


Pay it and stop whining


I was reading today an article about how Braverman has turned the party against herself by her conduct, particularly on the eve of the election, and that party members will be looking for someone from the right wing who can come across as capable and calm. Jenrick’s name was mentioned as someone who could be a surprise runner.

Jenrick is currently second favourite, after Badenoch.

Given that the membership is likely to have the final say, given the current rules, on who becomes leader, he looks a reasonable bet.

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Honest Bob Jenrick, Badenoch, and Braverman are pretty much all of the same ilk. I’d add Francois to that list. They are a long long way from centre right.

Their compass needs a serious reset.

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Their coach needs to drive off a cliff on the way to Tory Away Day 2025.


Brexit fucked them. They expunged all the moderates from the party because they weren’t true faith enough.

Even if there is an outbreak of sense and they elect someone like Tom Tugenhat, he has no moderate power base within the party.


I’d encourage you to watch this, a great snapshot of the UK.

An ex-Tory member who says Cruella is too extreme for her (still a cunt though).

A fucking cunt banging on about the lefty middle class ‘trans-ing’ their children.

A Labour voter who very nicely tells them that the country doesn’t give a fuck about their culture war shite…fix the shit actually impacting people’s lives!!!

I heard the third bloke live whilst I was driving yesterday. Glad they clipped it.

And lol at Dale realising the horse he’s picked his whole life is fucking knackered.


There are still some moderates there, at least at the parliamentary level. Given the scale of losses, I wouldnt be surprised if they make up a bigger % now. Bigger problem ifor them s that there may not be a natural leader amongst them.

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My feeling on this, which aligns with @redfanman’s thoughts are that they lurch to the right and then somewhere down the line start pulling back towards the centre once they reslise they’re sharing a bed with Reform.

That would mean that they split into two parties, as there are enough rightwing loons (Braverman and others) that see Reform as closer to their agenda than is the “One Nation” branch of conservatism.

Ideally, we are left with three parties - Reform, Conservatives and “New Conservatives” (for want of a better name) - fragmenting the rightwing vote.


We hope. First steps on a changing political landscape maybe.

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I think that has long become the issue for Conservatives already. Johnson’s Brexit alliance was built on bringing together that rightwing support that had already begun to fragment prior to the Brexit vote, and that they have traditionally been able to pool votes from.

We’ve seen with them losing the likes of Gullis, Cates, Johnson etc in the election, and 50p Lee changing parties a reduction in the group that would support a persistent shift further right towards reform. I wouldn’t be surprised to see Braverman switch at some point too.

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