UK Politics Thread (Part 3)

They were split in 2012, so I presume you’re talking about the historical entity?

No, now.
We have one post office serving a town with a population of around 18k, with another 10k students on top.
Not sure you can actually even call it a post office, it’s 3 counters (of which two are usually empty) crammed into a branch of WH Smith.

Ignorance is bliss it seems

By whom? You gonna take one in?

Don’t assume everybody shares your ignorance. See I can be hostile too but only when you start it. Again.

We can’t. We’re a stable white heterosexual married couple. We don’t tick any diversity boxes so can’t adopt.

You seem to enjoy it.

I think your penchant for hitting your children is more likely to count against you than your heterosexuality.

Penchant? No, understanding of the basics of educating a child from a very young age using all legal options would be the correct statement. You’re welcome to come to tea any time and bring your kids. We can have a competition as to who’s is better behaved.

You won’t.

This paragraph in the Marina Hyde article is perfect. Absolutely spot on.

My theory is that if you give people absolutely no economic power, they will use what little power they have to lash out in one way or another, and it’s pretty hard to blame them for that. The disputed thing that some people call “cancel culture” is an example of it, and if capitalism’s elders and supposed betters really cared so much about stopping it, perhaps they’d think about giving younger people a stake in capitalism, instead of expecting them to abide by a set of rules of a game in which they are not even allowed to be player characters.


Can we also see who’s kids are more terrified of their parents?

Jnr isn’t terrified of me. Never raised a hand to jnr in jnr’s memory. So you’re on the wrong track, again. A parent who’s hitting their child when they’re 4,6,8,10 etc has already failed.

You two. Fucking listen. A lad called Mascot I know off the internet is coming to tea today, because for some reason only known to me, I’ve challenged him to a who’s kids are better behaved competition. If you so much as think about stepping out of line it’s the slipper across your backsides. You know how that feels. Now go upstairs and put your suits on.

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So you’re all about whacking them when they’re 1, 2 and 3? Lovely stuff.

That’s shit, even from you.

What was your line? I fucking hate my kids at times? Or do they drive you fucking mad? Can’t remember exactly which is was. I don’t swear infront of children. You might.

You’re obsessed. Wonder why.

Not sure that was me. But the kids do wind me up sometimes. I’m happy to own that. And one of them has ADD, which is a challenge. But I’d rather that than they be terrified of me, or indulge my own frustrations by hitting them - which again, all the evidence suggests is an appalling, ineffective and traumatising thing to do to a child.

And your right, I won’t be taking you up on your offer to a social engagement to pit our children against each other to solve an internet argument with a borderline stranger. Mostly because it’s a fucking weird thing to suggest. Deeply oddball stuff.

I don’t swear in front of my kids.

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Regarding the university degrees discussion I’m caught in two minds. On the one hand they are essential and on the other hand there are too many of them which are designed to make money for the institution rather than be useful. Many, including myself, have questioned the usefulness of history or history & politics as a degree but some people do indeed use it and make a life out of it. Though I picked history as a “bad” example I could have equally have picked Biological sciences degrees. For example, the 1st year intake when I started my undergrad in 93 was around 250. Im not sure there were >10 that did a postgrad and I think there’s only 2 still using the degree and it’s content… The other side of the coin is that there aren’t enough places at the postgrad level and then again (and increasingly so) at the postdoc levels and is even more limited at the PI level.

Bottom line is that too many people go to university.

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Went for an interview about 15 years ago.
Smarmy cunt interviewing me said to me, we generally like to recruit graduates, what can you offer us that they cant.

10 years proven experience in the industry, maturity, and common sense.
Got offered the job, turned it down.

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will you two get a fucking room already?

FFS, it’s getting old.