UK Politics Thread (Part 3)

Tell that to the child with severe learning difficulties, or the young person being shipped to a different foster home every night

I don’t believe you


GIF by Futurithmic

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A label for the majority of your posts


up until last year, our provincial capital Victoria was the same

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I used to think the same but I’ve actually come across alot of scientists that have a Geology background in the last year… There appears to be a shortage too!

A Geography degree was probably a start for them.


How Dare You Greta GIF

Sob Reaction GIF by MOODMAN

Some parts of engineering i would agree, but sadly it has become a widespread term that devalues genuine engineers ie Sound and Audio Engineer is not a real engineer.

Maths and physics rather covers that.

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In other news I work in schools, am married to an ex head teacher, we have a ridiculous number of friends in and around education and I was chair of governors at Jnr’s school. Met loads of them.

In further news, I care SO much about what you believe that I took the time to prove myself right.

Well you keep quoting them then to point it out and do kindly detail the exact pretentious points and the undeniable bollocks.

Or don’t.

The standard of insults on this forum really have slipped.

Point 1. Ed Psyc report: Needs intensive one to one education. No shit sherlock
Point 2. Imprison parents and have said child adopted.


This education discussion is really a golden chance for @Klopptimist to ignorantly sneer at things he doesn’t understand, and he’s grabbing it with both hands.

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I’d hate to live in your head! :scream:

Sound intelligent and win argument in the history thread?

Be better able to contextualise different oeuvres so you know which of gasbands artworks will become seminal and thus worth the most?

So clearly art history is the only sorta ‘istory worth doin’, hey guvner?

I’ve just been catching up on some news and noticed this opinion piece from Marina Hyde in the Guardian:

The whole Post Office scandal is one that has been dragging on for years. In short, this was a computer system that was purchased by the Post Office in the mid-1990s and once it went live threw up accounting errors that, rather than being investigated and fixed in the system, were attributed to fraud by sub-postmasters who were then prosecuted.

There seems to have been a catalogue of failure from the Post Office and government. Too much trust was placed in a computer system. Too much trust was placed in their supplier, ICL, who I know from experience were an awful supplier but that government procurement contracts kept going back to them. It should have been obvious from the start that there were huge problems but they were either covered up or the sub-postmasters were not believed (a significant number were of an ethnic minority background and I have a nagging suspicion that played a role).

This should be a much bigger story as over 700 people have been wrongly given a criminal conviction. Many have been ruined and several people have committed suicide as a result. However, aside from Computer Weekly reporting the technical failures and Private Eye covering the Post Office cover-up it hasn’t caused the mainstream media stir that it should do.

There is an ongoing enquiry. Whether this eventually gets the exposure it deserves is anyone’s guess.

Royal Mail post office as an entity is a fucking shambles

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Another lesson in why privatisation is not always the answer.

Let’s also forget the more recent scandal where staff were ordered to prioritise parcels over letters. That’s where the money is for them.

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How they operate in general? I wouldn’t have a clue. I haven’t worked for them. But many countries have it far worse for national postal services. Go and live in Australia and enjoy receiving mail 7-14 days after it was sent.

Sadly yes. The title has been massively devalued in the UK. Pay scales too I suspect.