UK Politics Thread (Part 3)

Should be applied to people who have so lost their mental faculties that they vote Conservative or Reform.

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Gammon is a term I think invented by Dickens to describe those well fed, privileged people who are perpetually red in the face through indignation about one thing or another, while entirely ignorant about how comfortable their lives actually are.

It’s nothing to do with melanin, racial background or long periods of oppression and marginalisation. Only racists, who don’t understand what actual racism is, think it’s racist.

Y’know. Just in case it comes up at some point.


I think it was in Nicholas Nickleby, specifically a politician is described as having a “gammon tendency” when he becomes red faced during periods of patriotic ranting. The point being that it is an acquired attribute, not a property of his race.


This won’t go away too easily

Police officer under criminal investigation for assault after airport video



Notes that the term gammon is never aimed at anybody who isn’t white. Tricky to be pink otherwise.


Odd that those who’ve done all the training courses on the subject haven’t noticed.

But it’s worth considering, who are the real victims of racism. Is it black teenagers being kicked in the head by police? Or it it frothing middle aged white snowflakes who seem to think a descriptor referring to a shade of pink caused by frothing rage is a racial insult?

It’s the first one, isn’t it.


I do wonder how much Harry Enfield went to popularise the modern idea of a gammon.


Latest footage…

White people comparing the flushing of other white peoples’ faces to gammon is racist? :joy:

That’s almost as funny as the ‘Goodbye fellow reds’ thread


Oh and let’s not forget why ‘Goodbye fellow reds’ happened in the first place.


Reform MPs are sharing this footage and sending pressure letters to Yvette Cooper as if it makes it OK that the police officer kicked a clearly incapacitated man in the head.

What they are strategically forgetting, is that the officers in question, like all police officers, are expected to behave professionally in all circumstance, even in the face of extreme provocation. The fact that they were attacked, does not mean they have licence to behave as if they are in a pub brawl, or decide unilaterally that the lad in question’s prior behaviour deserves a sly (and potentially fatal) kick to the head once he is down and immobile.

This is a good thread on the subject


This sort of thing wouldn’t happen under a Labour government.


No, quite clearly police officers are permitted to dispense force as they see fit. Don’t you know, they’re always the heroes?

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Was the lad on the floor brown?

Black and blue by the time that they finished with him.


I was tempted by the same joke, but I disregarded it as distasteful.


A lot know will be about compensation claims by the injured parties, versus, plea bargain deals in the offing, against the certain jail term the same guys will be getting for assaulting the police, while they were attempting to do their duty…!
If Karius can claim a concussion excuse from a sly Ramos elbow, if it could even be called that, the policeman that lashed out, may use the same defence, after he was pummelled, as to why he reacted as he did…!
It will remain intriguing for a little while yet me thinks

I think the defence is going to be ‘I wasn’t sure he was incapacitated and I feared for my safety’. He might get away with that. I think it would be bollocks, but a tribunal might go for it.


I suspect that they will look at previous conduct. If there are previous incidents he is probably for the high jump.

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Oh well…I can wear an extra jumper I guess.