UK Politics Thread (Part 3)

He does on his websites daily.


It would probably have some unintended consequences but they have a land value tax in Germany and it is, largely a fair way of doing things.

Generally, agricultural land is low tax. If it is used, it pays for itself. In the UK you may find that shooting estates suffer, but these are largely an environmental disaster zone, so that may not be a bad thing.


In 2010, Cameron and Osborne blamed Labour for the mess they inherited, as well. The rhetoric is the same, and the result will be the same; when a government says they have to make “tough decisions”, it is invariably working people that suffer. There’s no exception to that rule.



When Thatcher said that her greatest achievement was Tony Blair, she was spot-on. In order to become electable, Labour had to move to the right.

Why? Because the neoliberal propaganda we see everywhere - films, TV, music, advertising, etc - has brainwashed the masses into a certain way of thinking.

To revert to how things were pre-neoliberalism, with a fairer and more tolerant society, will require changing the mindset of pretty much the entire world. That isn’t easy when you’re not the ones controlling the agenda.


At least Gordon Brown was honest about it; reference note he left behind.

Funny how he looks like the one with the greater integrity now doesnt it?

How the mighty have fallen. Or maybe Emporers new clothes.

Think you’re referring to Liam Byrne? In any case, that was a joke note.


Of course but it was up front and honest.

Not like hiding a self inflicted ÂŁ22bn hole in your finances from everyone involved as part of a political stunt.

Which was a transparent lie. The finances had taken a bit from the Global Financial Crisis, but the idea that Labour had fucked it up was a total fabrication (probably the opposite - I think there some parts of the response I disagreed with him on, but it’s fairly well understood now that Gordon Brown’s decisive action during the crisis was pivotal to making sure the banks didn’t take down everyone’s pensions and savings with them).

Cameron and Osborn took that and used it as pretext for an ideological attack on public spending, targeting the most vulnerable people in society.

When Reeves says the Tories have smashed the economy, she isn’t playing politics. She is telling the truth.


It’s a joke that has been passed from government to government since the fifties. I don’t think it will happen again since the last government weaponised it.


That’s what I had in mind. A Land Value Tax targets unproductive land, and there are vast swathes of land in this country held by very few incredibly wealthy people.

Basically the Government have to go after the wealth that it tied to fixed assets. All the stuff that can’t be offshored. Like schools. Fucking massive houses. Luxury cars. And vast estates of land.


But something something both sides something all politicians are liars something something.


No[quote=“Mascot, post:8167, topic:3448, full:true”]

It’s a joke that has been passed from government to government since the fifties. I don’t think it will happen again since the last government weaponised it.

No agreed. They went to the other extreme this time.

Maybe some tax could be used to stimulate building too:


I believe building stuff is one part of the way out of this. Since 2010 the UK has essentially stopped building and is partly why uk productivity per capita is so low.

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But we can’t build anything because of the nimby crowd.

Wish that were true round here. Housing estates going up everywhere and devouring farm land…

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Like this prick?

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…and it is only going to get uglier as the night caves in. Liverpool now


Some awful scenes in Belfast today too