UK Politics Thread (Part 3)

It was ignorants cunts like this who spent last week moaning about some Muslim men attacking the police and defending the police stamping on one of their heads.


Iā€™ve argued or intimated in the past that inequality drives a lot of currents that are untasteful and should be ā€œunderstoodā€ and ā€œabsorbedā€ but ultimately, there is a line that individuals can (and should) walk. These groups of ā€œindividualsā€ are not that. Their language is that of radicalisation.

Taking this lightly is leaving a cancer grow untreated.


Itā€™s organised and I fear things are gonna get much worse. Social media has totally brain washed huge swathes of society. Tommy Robinson trying to mobilise a civil war. Elon Musk actively encouraging the far right


So where was this level of anger for Lucy Letby and targeting and abusing white people?


On the plus side, the numbers are relatively small and the counter protests are generally bigger.


Farage playing tin pot statesman in front of two flags on social media. Wont ask his question in parliament though will he?

Not heard a peep from the green party on any major news outlet since the election either.

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Disgraceful excuse to loot and cause trouble. Why burn a library? Bring back rubber bullets!

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Given the way they are generally covered in the news, i.e. not at all, why would you be surprised?

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Farage: I deplore and condemn violence. But unless you do what I say there will be more violence.


Saw him say that this is just the start


Speak of theā€¦ devil?

More seriously, thatā€™s just ineffective rhetoric. Thereā€™s no appealing to a sense of decency in people who might simply not possess one.

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I wonder what the police response would be like if it was Just Stop Oil or Extinction Rebellion?


So sad to see all this back home.

Hard to know what to say really, but Iā€™d like to see major news outlets give Farage and his like minimal air time. Not censorship, but exposure in keeping with his share of the vote. It feels like he is always popping up, when in actuality he is a much more minor figure.

Beyond that, as for the people, there does sadly exist a racist underbelly in some quarters. But the truth is the vast majority of people are decent, and are quite heartbroken at seeing what is happening.

There is a correlation between low income/prospects/opportunities, and being more open to riot or loot. In some ways I see these protests as a nasty exclamation point at the end of 14 years of Tory rule.

A disaffected underclass has festered and grown.

Hopefully - it will take time though - the sort of policies Labour goes in for will help to lift people and give them a better future. It wonā€™t ever eradicate racism and rioting, but it will massively reduce it, as I do think that most people would rather live and let live - get a job, build a life, etc. But if those options are limited or barely existent for some segments, it will help to fuel the sort of thing we are seeing.

My thoughts are with everyone back home.


Is it any wonder when no doubt they read trash like thisā€¦


Coolock says No group in Belfast, with tricolours wrapped around them.
Standing shoulder to shoulder with Loyalists.
The same Loyalists who burnt Irish flags on bonfires last month.
All brothers in arms to defend the island against Muslims.

If it wasnā€™t so tragically serious you would think it was a Father Ted sketch.


No, not at all.

Farageā€™s answer to this was bring back random stop and search and tougher jail for knife crime. Zero about why this happening. Probably hasnt a clue.

As usual from the far right you get simple solutions to complex problems that invariably fail.


Some may think kicking in her window is unecessary use of force (and maybe it is, but I canā€™t tell, she may have refused to open the door, which makes it strictly necessary), but itā€™s good to see such knuckleheads wake up and face consequences for their loathsame hatred. She is probably not so tough now as she was drunk, frightening immigrants in a mob and driving litter bins towards them.

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They were outnumbered 5 times by ā€˜refugees welcomeā€™ rally. Mick Lynch was one of the speakers. Was tense for a while and they threw fireworks at us. Media focussed on a couple of racists from Dublin waving the tricolour beside the loyalists


Some comments are quite funny tbfā€¦ oh well :rofl:

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My bet is that would be Captain Twatface