UK Politics Thread (Part 3)

Jack Wank


Im looking forward to the pair of young wankers (amongst hundreds of others) being charged for looting cookies from Lush and sausage rolls from Greggs.

Apparently hundreds of police on standby in Scotland ready to come and help restore order to Engerlund


What I noticed in the Liverpool fracas… On the Hi-Viz vest, Police was written in Welsh…! Talk about making yourself an easy target for anyone not liking the Police, or the Welsh :crazy_face:

Getting sent on to Crown Court - At least 12months then for the guy destroying the library.
What Should, but doesn’t surprise me… He also stood outside as lookout for others to ransack - unaware that a Police helicopter was above him filming his actions :man_shrugging:

A man who burgled Spellow Library wearing a balaclava during the weekend’s riots said “nice one lad” as he was led to the cells. Adam Wharton, 28 and of Selwyn Street in Walton, appeared at Liverpool Magistrates’ Court this morning, Monday, August 5 after he was charged with burglary in relation to serious disorder on Saturday night.

Wharton, who was brought into the dock wearing a grey prison issue tracksuit, pleaded guilty to the charge put before him. His case was sent to Liverpool Crown Court for sentence on August 29.


Someone make this make sense.
Riots are by far right groups?
Far right have racist tendencies?
Far right dont tolerate non whites?
In this video of Lush being looted, theres a woman with a muslim type head covering, a young Pakistani or Indian lad, and a black fella mingling with all the white looters.

Shoplifters of the world unite and take over.


From rising England star to this, what a fall from grace…

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They probably think it’s Arabic.

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£45k raised by the public already to repair the damage :+1:



12 hour shifts picking up litter along a motorway…supervised of course…all the lot of em should be doing it…bit like an old fashioned chain gang…


Living in Scotland is like being in a nice apartment above a meth lab sometimes.


I remember when the G20 was on in 2005 at Gleneagles there were a lot of English police sent up as reinforcements. Some troglodytes decided to smash up the centre of Stirling for it’s critical role in global capitalism (there was a Burger King) and some of the police arrested them quite forcefully.

On Reporting Scotland, they interviewed a local shop worker as to what happened and she mentioned that the English police were involved. When asked how she knew they were English, she said it was because they were all “Woodentops” (meaning that they had traditional bobbies helmets on).

Cut back to the studio, and Jackie Bird could not keep a straight face.


The rioters, looters and ultimately criminals learning well from their American cousins

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The looters in England are far right extremist while here in the USA, it’s far left extremist.


Thugs n thieves…

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Whoever u are sonny jim…a 5 year sentence of picking up dog poo everyday…12hours a day…would do u good

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Afraid not.

Jan 6 was encouraged by their orange fascist chief.

In both instances people conned into believing their troubles are the fault of others, rather than those pushing the message.


They’re just sad hangers on too fucking dumb to form an opinion either way.
Lots of them are barely out of school too, yet people want to give them the right to vote.

Bonkers Britain (England actually)

You seem to overlook the looters and rioters when George Floyd was killed. Business windows were smashed, stores and cars set on fire, stores looted. You also seem to overlook the looters in San Fran and NYC with the smash and grab at Apple stores and designer stores.