UK Politics Thread (Part 3)

I think you meant to say murdered didn’t you?


Yes, he was killed / murdered by the police. Now back to my earlier comment…what do you have to say about that?

On these riots…can the authorities spray these idiots with pink paint that takes weeks to remove…they would be easy spotted walking down the streets …easy spotted to all and sundry…


I couldn’t remember the details of the George Floyd rioters, but this article seems to indicate that the bulk of the looting was attributable to organised criminal gangs looking for personal gain rather than any political motivation.

I suspect that there is similar at play in the UK, although possibly less organised. I can’t imagine that there is some huge black market for Greggs steak bakes.


Or even steak bakes?

Pffts, @cynicaloldgit , this is your job


Fixed. Is autocorrect getting worse?


Hey, rioting makes you hungry, so I am told

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The right to peaceful protest is enshrined. When scumbags infiltrate, or it is not policed adequately, it gets out of hand.

For example, consider the right wing nut job who, as a minor, crossed state lines with a weapon of war and killed 2-3 people who were protesting? Rittenhouse?

Should have been jailed for life. It wasn’t even his property he was defending. Instead, he was feted by the right. Something very wrong with that outcome.

The biggest difference I can see is that:

When the right protests, people are killed.
When the left protests, property sometimes gets vandalized. Not condoning it, mind.

Still, the point I’m making is that when protest gets out of hand, right wing people are horrified by vandalism, but tend to shrug their shoulders at killing, even though, rather ironically, they usually claim to be pro life.


If it was a bit of looting it wouldn’t be that much of a problem. We all know that there are always pricks who sense the opportunity to turn a protest into an opportunity to loot stuff. That was true when I used to go on May Day protests, and it’s still true today.

This isn’t just a protest getting out of hand and people getting carried away and looting shops.

It’s a dangerous, violent mob of actual, literal neo-nazis, who sense their time has come. And it’s easy to see why they think that, with mainstream media, social media and politicians all complicit in an organised programme to blame immigrants and asylum seekers for their own mismanagement of the country, and whipping poor uneducated people into a frenzy.

The closest comparable for this is the Capitol Riots. Those people had been waiting a fucking long term for insurrection, dragged along a lot of frustrated idiots with them, and all it took was a populist politician fanning the flames.


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I live two minutes from this pub I actually went to the local Tescos around the same time, it had all its shutters down apart from one. Thought it was a bit strange, didn’t realise this was kicking off.

I agree, that the EDL protests were organised by people with very racist views and others who wanted to cause trouble jumping on the band wagon. But it does not excuse this behaviour.


Time to crack out the British Army.
Rubber bullets and water canons with blue indelible dye in the water.

Send in the Scottish regiments, they’re not needed up here.

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Last time they did that, it took 30 years and several thousand lives to clear up the mess. No thanks.

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I partly agree with you.

I would take out the rubber bullets, but allow the army to use water cannons and swap blue dye for pink.


That’s actually a link to a Britain First activist. It’s probably not advisable to spread it any further.

The police report is here:

A large number of people did gather in Bordesley tonight (Mon) but there were no clashes with members of opposing groups.

We were aware of rumours which circulated on social media with regards to a potential far-right protest taking place in Birmingham today (Mon). We can confirm this did not take place.

A large number of people did gather in Bordesley tonight (Mon) but there were no clashes with members of opposing groups.

No arrests have been made at this stage but there were sporadic incidents and we are investigating reports of an assault, incidents of criminal damage to a pub on Stoney Lane, a car which had its windows smashed on Alcombe Grove, Stechford and further criminal damage to a vehicle which had its tyres damaged on Belchers Lane, Bordesley Green.

Essentially, it seems that some individuals have been shit stirring online. Seems to be the way things are done these days:


It was a bit tongue in cheek tbh.
But look at the irony over the water.

Nationalists, who for decades protested about unionist “immigrants”, now side by side with them protesting about immigrants


I don’t think there is any suggestion that the Police are out of control or actively siding with criminals over this. I think Starmer’s stance is that he is a rule-of-law PM, not an ineffectual strongman. That is a much more effective strategy.

Incidentally, the police already use dye for detecting crime. Usually, this is an indellible UV paint that can be used to detect whether criminals have been handling stolen goods.

Just the blue dye…or even pink…

They were using rubber bullets in belfast last night for the first time in years. Talking about bringing water cannon back out.

Lynch mobs roaming streets. Person in critical condition after being attacked by a racist mob last night