UK Politics Thread (Part 3)

My word. You haven’t done your research here. There’s tons. Doesn’t make it right :joy::joy::joy:

Find Sci Man Dan on Youtube. He has great fun at the flat earther’s expense.

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None of the so called flat earth research including the famous swing gate experiment, gyroscope bought by Bob, or the light "above your head " prove the Earth is flat. None of it, not a single one. Nada, dim, zilch, zero.

They either prove a globe or the person doing the research hasn’t got a clue how to research something.


‘Free tuition fees’?

Scotland :roll_eyes:


Work in the photonics industry,

We are a small company of around 70 people,

11 people have phds in physics, lasers and engineering,

Numerous other staff have masters degree and Bsc’s,

The Ops director has an NC!

University certaintly helps, but you can still rise to the top without it IMO.

I guess this has been bugging me a bit and I keep coming back to the example of medicine/dentistry/veterinary:
Why is there such a difference between the expectation of the job and the reality? Is it university vetting or kids being too naïve? The vetting process for getting into medicine is very stern and it goes out of its way to pick “stayers”. In the end the reality is still brutally at odds with the expectations of most at the onset of their journeys and yet conversion rates are very high. Why the difference to Biochemistry or Physics or (the much maligned) History?

We have come into a system where going to university is sold (and you do pay for it) as a panacea to earning more money and that w/o it you’re nowhere/nobody/no one. The lack of other viable options is limiting the potential of many students (if not the majority of them) that would otherwise be better off following options such as going to technical schools, apprenticeships or straight into jobs - whether these options exist (anymore?) is another matter.

I hoped everybody enjoyed voting today :slight_smile: I had a particularly pleasant conversation with a Labour activist outside the polling station. If you ain’t got the ammo, don’t come to the gunfight.

Hope he didn’t mess you up too bad! :rofl:

Democracy. The UK. 2023. How the hell did we come to this?^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1654034773881364490|twgr^02e783ad4c5a2fb6cee96887596723fcb8a744b1|twcon^s1_&


Appears to have been a good night for Labour and the Lib Dems

Greens, too. :sunglasses:


Really looking forward to Rishi spinning this…

‘I will double my efforts to win your trust etc’

Should be a hoot.

Apologies in advance if the question is obvious (though not to me) but what/who are the Independents? Are they a mix bag of local personalities or do they group into a broader alliance/philosophy (beyond the “they are not LAB/CON?LIB”)?

Generally speaking, they are candidates who are not affiliated to a political party. This may be a local person or someone from a residents association, it could be a single-issue candidate, or it could be someone who had a falling out with their political party and is carrying on alone. Occasionally, it could be to disguise their real affiliation.

Overall, they don’t fall into any particular political viewpoint so it is a case of knowing who the person is and what they stand for.


You also get independents and true independent. Some independents will align with parties on key issues, and some party politicians will even stand as independents, if the local circumstances are toxic to their party.

Great to see Tories getting smashed. First hopeful election results for a long time. Hope we can do the same to the DUP, but sadly unlikely


Just wondering - as far as Stormont is concerned, if the Alliance were to get more votes than the DUP do they count as a Unionist party - i.e. could you get an Alliance-Sinn Féin executive?

Don’t disagree at all with this. From the engineering perspective you see all the highlights, tunnel breakthroughs, explosive bridge demos, bridge landings etc. But the reality is one of a pretty brutal industry or I should say it certainly used to be, particularly on the contracting side. I know it’s tried to clean itself up but it’s still tough. Expectations and reality are a long way apart.

I also thought when at school my best option was uni, that was the route to a better life etc. I can only say it is after nearly 30 years. From the point of graduating I have honestly questioned my life choices career wise. Some highs but some real shit through much of it and all of it while watching self employed trades people work less, carry less stress, and earn more.
Only now can I say that I’m happy as I’ve got my work life balance right. Earnings still aren’t right though.