UK Politics Thread (Part 3)

Absolutely correct. The shocker for me was involvement of the BBA. When specifying materials a BBA cert was certainly one thing you’d look for and trust.

Eric Pickles should get at least a custodial sentence for this

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I still unfortunately smoke. I have not been able to kill the habit yet. Its not something I like to talk about really.
I would also like to be able to drink a beer and smoke, of course, everyone does. A confined area outside a pub with some warmth is very nice imo, and does not harm others.

However your easy solution is a very bad one. Back when there was smoking wagons on trains, do you think smokers prefered to sit in those for long journeys over an hour ? No, very often smokers entered the smoking wagon, sat there for a couple of smokes or more and then left to the non-smoking wagon. This is just not a personal anecdote, it was regarded as typical, at least in my country. Even smokers don’t enjoy sitting in a sour smoking wagon for very many hours if its too smokey. If its too confined, the smoke gets too uncomfortable tick even for smokers and if its too ventilated its gets too cold.
To demand of smokers that they are subjected to tick smoke absolutely all the time isn’t particularly kind. Its not as easy as if “either you smoke or not”. Degree of smoke is an issue even for smokers, as are the health related problems caused by it…

Have anyone told you that you have a tendency to pander very easy solutions for most political issues which may not work as well as you might think, if you sit down and think through actual consequences and include nuances? I think you have such a tendency.

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I am afraid it’s symptomatic of modern business. Bend the rules, no integrity in order to make money. All the talk about purpose and social impact goes out of the window when shareholders call or it’s bonus time.

I know I have been a partner in a major management consultancy for years.

The language is nonsense, the intent skewed. I am all for free market but with integrity.


I cerainly question whether theres any integrity left in construction now after this. How can any designer specify something now? The whole system has been undermined.


I’m wondering if this is a serious post. I remember being a smoker in pubs that were absolutely thick which was fucking ace as I loved smoking. Everybody came home stinking of it. I’m advocating the ability for any pub to be the same again if they choose, just have a big sign outside. Your story might be of your experience but in mine in England, every club and pub at night was a solid cloud.

As for easy solutions, you might not like them but everything has an easy solution. Ask Thanos.

Oh my…

The state of the right-wing media in the UK is deadset un-fucking-believeable.


What’s the bet that this drivel is written by AI?

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Yeah…good call.

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i remember back in the day, i wont say ‘i love smoking’, but yeah it would be wrong to suest the atmosphere improved immediately when smokin was banned in venues…fast forwarding a generation, you cant also seriously arue it wasnt a net gain…so much better now.

interested to know, if you love smoking though, do you still smoke? or did you quit and what was the motivation? health or cost?


Health. Quit on our wedding day. Fucking hard and I will admit to having a few moments of weakness but haven’t touched a cigarette for 16 years.

But why can’t there be pubs just for smokers?


Smoking is dying out anyway. Young people vape or stick pouches in their gums. Tbh I can’t see a problem in having a pub for old men, who have no intention of ever quitting, to smoke their pipes and fags.


This, absolutely.

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The only problem I can see is that it wouldn’t be economically viable. I think pubs in general are already struggling due to lack of demand, if you have a smoking-only pub, I’m not sure it could draw enough business.

do they still have cigar lounges for the top end of town in the UK? (genuine question)

10% of the British public smoke, and pubs are already struggling.

Good luck keeping that ‘smokers only’ pub open.

Smoking in public places is one of those things we’ll looking back on in disbelief - what the fuck were we thinking! Like hitting kids.

Road traffic contributes far more pollution to the air than cigarette smoke does.

I say we ban all motorised vehicles.