UK Politics Thread (Part 3)

Yeah, I’d be worried about Aussielad crossing the road in Bendigo to be honest.

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Do you mean due to security rather than reliability?

We had a couple of (female) friends over from the UK 3 weeks ago. Similar story but they were going to Sydney and were adamant they would get where they need using the train network. I told them to be extra careful as I have personally never travelled on a train in Sydney and been able to avoid someone with severe mental issues screaming profanities and threatening people.

I can honestly say I haven’t felt the same in Melbourne

Im perfectly fine crossing the road. As long as someone holds my hand :wink:


I’ve travelled by train in Sydney hundreds of times and never had any problems.
The only time anyone shouted profanities was the missus if we missed a stop.
Berlin Ubahn is full of nutters, but that’s a different story.
What thread is this again?

Is it not the Canadian infrastructure thread?


Every thread is the Canadian infrastructure thread.


I’m off to Toronto on the 20th, just a few days for work.

Will report back.

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? Cease to function like a responsible member of society and you lose the according rights and privileges IMHO.


I can certainly agree with you to some degree.

Laws help bind society together, so someone who breaks the law is, in effect, rejecting that society.

The question then becomes, what do we do to those who have rejected society?

Right - I’m off for a lie down, having actually agreed with @Klopptimist on something in the politics thread.


That’s pretty much the idea behind custodial sentences. I’m assuming that the Estonian thing is a stop-gap.

The only problem that I can see is whether it affects rehabilitation. Prison visits are intended to provide a positive support network once they are paroled, and I would image that would be difficult given the distance. I suppose that there are always Zoom calls.

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Lock them up with @Klopptimist


2 birds one stone?,Romanian%2C%20Irish%2C%20and%20Jamaican.

Bolt gun?

I know which one I would prefer.

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careful where you send them…in a few years theyll be kicking your arses in the cricket…


Empty vessels…


I took public buses and trams around the CBD and some suburbs in Melbourne and found it ok most of the time, Sydney was similar to me but overall, the coverage is just probably not enough still for people to give up cars or even planes totally I feel.

Just a question has Australia or UK (as this thread is disguised as the Canadian one), considered more modern high speed trains for travel between cities to cities? ( I know UK has some lines which are fast but is not very widespread?) I suppose environmental concerns are one considering it needs land.

Why do individuals need to travel?

Goods and products, obviously, but people? Nah. Not in this day and age.

A lot can be done over zoom, the challenge ultimately most business at its heart relies upon trust and building relationships. Its very easy to blag your way through a remote call. Within the first couple of minutes in person though I can figure out if I trust them.

My old company once did research with a high-tech software company in Portugal. On their websites it showed flashy photos and a professional looking team. Long story short, due to legal action I had to fly over to their premises, and take possession of some R&D.

After arriving at the airport, I gave the address to the taxi driver and he started taking me and a lawyer down residential streets. We ended up in at a suburban house (no indication it was a business). About 7 or 8 people were working out of this house. Photos on the website were staff posed outside flashy buildings in the town. Each bedroom of the house was used as an office! Thats just about acceptable…however the company were such amateurs that wifi didnt even reach the bedrooms on the top floor (where we were working with them). :joy:

I learnt nothing can beat face to face interaction.


And people never lie to each other’s faces?