UK Politics Thread (Part 3)

I don’t like Elon Musk. I used to, but for me the turning point was calling the cave divers, who helped in Thailand, paedos. They had expertise. Musk didn’t. But he spoke out, forcefully, ungraciously, and won a lawsuit due to having deeper pockets and top lawyers. He’s a shit bully.

Since then he has just got more and more bizarre and outspoken, often outside his area of expertise.

He seems to equate being rich with having something worthwhile to say on any subject, but it’s odious.

Of course he is clever and has changed some industries and made an enormous amount of money. If I dug into it deeply I suspect he didn’t so much invent as capitalize on the work of others. It’s not illegitimate, but I doubt he is quite the solo genius his fans make him out to be.

Anyhow, I’m not impressed with the man.

Nothing to do with jealousy. I just think for his platform he could do so much better, but he’s a divisive cock.


Finally, excellent news.


It’s about time. It’s not just clinics either. I used to walk the dogs around the grounds of one of the major hospitals in central Scotland and they would hang around outside the place hassling people. This was a general hospital and has maternity, A&E, mental health emergency services and a huge variety of services where the last thing that you want is a religious nutjob bothering you at the entrance.

Mainly it was just the staff that they were targeting. On a couple of occasions some nurses asked me to walk with them back to the station as the righteous tended to keep away from “big bloke with a dog”.

I think the “pro-life” mob were complaining that they were banning religion but there is a chaplain available actually in the hospital at all times.


Fixed for you both

One could argue that nobody is perfect. He’s absolutely off the scale that he’s clearly on. But it does take a very clever person to capitalise on opportunity. He certainly understands rocketry better than me ( sparklers @cynicaloldgit ) and what he’s done with Tesla was no mean feat either. X is now a mine field (see the thread on here) but not liking is because he runs it is like not following LFC because you don’t like the owners

Ah, but does she have to buy her own clothes?

Said it before, and I’ll say it again.
The BBC is fucking toxic.

The way they have reported on recent news items is fucking despicable

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How so? Haven’t been keeping up.



This is not far off the mark to be honest.

“Why are you more likely to go to jail for calling someone a pedophile … than actually being a pedophile?”

Is this actually true, or is this just someone’s feelings?

It sounds very much like the EDL bullshit so I’m rather sceptical.


Being a paedophile isn’t actually a criminal offence, it’s a psychiatric disorder. Child molestation and the creation, distribution and consumption of child pornography are a criminal offences and the penalty will vary depending on the seriousness of the offence, up to full life terms.

Not all people convicted of sexual offences against children are actually diagnosed as paedophiles.

Calling someone a paedophile is a civil tort, not a criminal offence, unless it is classed as incitement.


Just coz I have nothing better to do at 6.03am, the following rudimentary Google search turned up a long list of convicted nonces being locked up…can’t see a single case of someone going to prison for calling someone a nonce…


Jesus, it was a fucking vague analogy, not a statement of fact.

But, as is standard, a far right or racist angle has to be at the root of it.

WTF has the EDL got to do with it?

Who mentioned racism?

Isn’t that one of their favourite talking points? Yaxley-Lennon was jailed for contempt of court, because he was calling the defendant in an on-going court case a child rapist, despite the fact that the jury was still deliberating and such an action would prejudice the court (and in fact ironically therefore sabotage the court proceedings).

Of course, that ignores the actual child rapists in their own ranks…


I have no idea.
I clearly don’t follow their goings-on as closely as you

Nope, but you’re quite clearly sufficiently in the right-wing media bubble that you constantly repeat their tropes.


Everything is right wing to you, lefty

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These days you get arrested and thrown in jail just for calling someone a paedophile.