UK Politics Thread (Part 3)

Dungeon mate?

Itā€™s the fault of Serco, who were given a new contract even though the government had had to sue them for fraud over the previous contract for exactly the same thing.

If you want to look at dubious contracts for the previous Labour government I could point you to the utter fuckwittery that is Capita.

It kind of goes back to the earlier point. Maybe decisions around who gets contracts should not lie with elected officials who receive donations.


Capita, shudderā€¦ā€¦

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That is just bollocks. No one is happy about it or saying its good and right. The only real difference here is when the tories do it, and by heck they rip the arse out of it, the press is silent. Here the Daily Fail, Express, torygraph and GB News have been attack dogs since July.

Oh and whole i am here am I allowed to post now @Dane?



well they need to sort that shit out ASAP

He means that you canā€™t criminalise what predilections you have in the privacy of your own head. That would be thoughtcrime, and is generally the preserve of dystopian nightmares.

It when those predilections are acted upon that it becomes criminal.


Tell you what. When Labour have funnelled Ā£200bn of our money to their mates, killed 100k people through mismanagement of a pandemic, destroyed standards in public life, undermined rule of law and left the country a smouldering skip fire, then weā€™ll talk.

I suppose in some ways, outrage over a couple of free suits is sort of normality resuming. Itā€™s just a shame it takes cataclysmic levels of corruption to cause any kind of impact to the Tories electoral prospects.


does he?

because it doesnt present that way.

having sick thoughts is one thing and does mean you need to be adderessed, being a ā€˜pedoā€™ is different though, no?

Standard apologist ā€œbut the Toriesā€ trope

Fucks sake, Dane. You literally started the compare this to the Tories stuff. That was your whole point.

*ā€˜Look at Keir Starmer - imagine if this was the Toriesā€™ *

*ā€˜OK. Letā€™s imagine if it was the Toriesā€™ *

ā€˜Donā€™t compare it to the Tories!!!ā€™

Letā€™s face it. Getting some free suits wouldnā€™t even move the fucking needle on the Tory sleezeometre


That was the way I read his post.

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If Iā€™ve ever posted anything defending the Tories Iā€™d be happy for you to produce it.
If you can Iā€™ll retreat and apologise

Ive always maintained that theyā€™re ALL unscrupulous twats, and thus far Iā€™m not seeing evidence on any kind of scale to the contrary

I didnā€™t say you were defending the Tories. Your point was that people who criticised the Tories are quiet about Keir Starmer.

I pointed out that that the Stuff about Starmer doesnā€™t even come close to what the Tories weā€™re actually getting criticised for.

You responded by accusing me of whataboutism.

I donā€™t know how anyone is meant to have a conversation with you.

I understand fully your position here is some sort of shit contrarian ā€˜they are all the same as each otherā€™ bullshit. I think what the fuss about Starmer shows is that they are certainly not all treated the same. We see Labour hauled over the coals for shit that doesnā€™t even register with the Tories.

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So from the point of view that just over two months ago the nation voted to kick out a corrupt , self serving government always making headlines for all their scams etc. And Keir Starmer telling us he will be different ā€¦

To Keir Starmerā€™s wife having freebies from a labour donor and Keir now being given hospitality boxes at arsenal for him and his entourage etcā€¦

Do you really think itā€™s a good start for someone who was supposed to be a breath of fresh air from the last corrupt lot ?

And itā€™s only just over two months inšŸ˜¬

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Nope. Of course not.

My point is that this would not move the needle in the Tories ranks. And Iā€™d add to that with so much of the media in the UK thoroughly camped on the right, it is really hard to what how much of this is exaggerated and how much is actual corruption.

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Just read your reply above to Dane ā€¦

Sorry in essence as a labour party member (apologies if not nowadays)

Do you find the start to this government disappointing in all the stuff coming out and how it portrays them?

I think there has been some good stuff, some stuff they are getting shit for that they have pretty much no choice about, and some stuff that is disappointing.


You keep choosing the easy argument though. How about Starmer meeting a facist for immigration adivce, or continuing the ridiculous ā€˜stop the boatsā€™/offshoring charade, or abstaining on the UN vote on the occupied Palestinian territories?

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Back before the election, I made 2 points, reoeatedly probably.
Both were scoffed at.

  1. Labour will lie in their election campaign, making promises theyā€™ve no intention of keeping.

  2. Their only plan is to brag that theyā€™re not as shit as the Tories.

So far, theyā€™ve done some good things and some fucking awful things.
They are still winging it without a plan though.

I also said Starmer wont lead them into the next election, also scoffed at.
I stand by my view, he is fucking poisonous and he wont last without being rebelled against by his own.

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I actually agree with this, for someone who campaigned so much on propriety, surely he should be al the more conscious about avoiding the appearance otherwise.

At least for this one Iā€™d chalk it down for now to incompetence rather than actual sleaze/corruption.