UK Politics Thread (Part 3)

Jess Phillips, her constituency office is literally a 5 min walk from mine so I can knock on for a cup of tea, have a quick chat and see if she has got any Sun glasses going.
On a serious note - although I’m sure someone will correct me - I have always been impressed with how she comes across when questioned on her views, etc. appears strong minded and I feel handled the independent campaign quite well, where she took a bit of grief from other candidates.
The problem with PM’s apart from Liz Truss, is that they are almost likeable, until they get into office, where they then turn into the Spawn of Satan.
I personally believe Starmer will be a good PM, especially with Home affairs. It’s the Foreign affairs I have concern about. But we will see.


In what respect? His visit to Germany seemed to go OK, but obviously thatis only one country.

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I agree with both points of view. More so yours @mascot. For decades the UK has relied on its soft power and this is just that. You have to be seen to practice what you preach. If you don’t invest in a cause, how can you tell other people to. Also, you can do it without actually having to manage it, kind of a, here’s our money scenario. If it doesn’t work, iv done my bit.
I also understand @Dane point of view of looking after your own. However, like most other benefits it has been mismanaged, abused and the general perception of it is stereotyped.
So, I am all in favour of Labour cutting back on benefits, by that I mean managing it better.
Whether it is has little financial impact, like the abuse of blue badges to Council tax rates/codes.

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Or the dowright in your face above board but completely immoral?

Dodgy cunt

Hard to put a finger on it, it’s not based on anything he has or hasn’t done, just a gut feeling.

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Me. Or the chick with the nicest legs / rack. Excellent judging criteria I always find.

Cries of “you sexist bastard” maybe but who wouldn’t have liked Sydney Sweeney doing the daily briefings during Covid?

All jokes apart Mogg (for fabulous personal reasons) but sadly he’s been booted so I’m going for Labour’s fabulously under utilised second in command. I think she’s be very good. Completely at odds with my opening post but then I think that was a joke. Ish….


I haven’t read this yet nor evaluated it, but it seems as though he’s been doing this for years:


Depends on her ability to convey the information required.

I think she provides a more relatable touch than Starmer for sure.


Although he’s technically done nothing illegal, he’s only manipulating rules or guidelines if you like, if it was a Tory, or a right wing benefit claimant, this forum would be fucking rabid.

Fair shout, what gets me is the totally extreme variance between those you mention in absolutely every respect, personally, politically, background, and so on.

Not having a go, just trying to figure out what makes them stand out options to you

I dont like it but for me the system stinks. If we were mp’s we’d more than likely do similar because its the norm and falls within what is permitted.

Its like the lobbying stuff. I absolutely hate it but at the same time i reluctantly know that political parties rely on the money to survive as organisations.

It attracts the wrong people and potentially encourages the wrong behaviours. I dont know how you move away from it.

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Return the sausages !

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I thought you weren’t in favour of whataboutism?

I’m sure the Labour Leadership are gratified that while national media are flipping their lids over stuff not a tenth as bad as the shit they were silent about through the last government, the twenty lads on this thread are giving them an easy ride.



Cracking down on expense fraudsters?
Set a precedent, that future governments have to comply with.

I do not care about party. I care about country. And in 5 years we will have to fix the usual debt, huge government that labour brings. Always the same. Tories hit and miss on fixing it. Boris had the mandate but wasted it.

But we pay for the same old dogma, union following, big state nonsense. Show me in 4 years if we are better!

Already gifts, hypocracy. The Tories were bad but you cannot campaign to be better then do this.

And Raynor? House, gifts…poster girl? Mmmm

Ok Sunsk wanted out, Truss was a disaster. Boris had the mandate. He is shit but could have got a team to change things. He failed. So change is here. No change same labour. Out in 5 years.