UK Politics Thread (Part 3)

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Then a bunch of halfwit fucknuts would throw a tantrum and everyone else would ignore them. As it was, it was an advisory referendum and there were sufficient possibilities to either reverse it or to implement it in a manner which was least damaging to the country. As it was, they chose more or less the most extreme position and purged anyone who even remotely objected to it in their own party.

Sorry, but the Tories can own the entire mess.

Precisely… weasel words. He has always had an anti EU agenda. Look at his voting record.

This is hardly a vote of confidence in the EU.

In another debate, hosted by the Fabian Society, he said he had “mixed feelings” on the EU, and at a hustings in Warrington said he would not rule out campaigning to leave.

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That was during his leadership campaign.

Except he didn’t actively campaign to stay in though did he? How could anyone be “neutral” on such a defining issue for this country and especially someone leading the Labour party and campaigning to be PM.

Cameron made a decision to hold a referendum in 2013, when there was higher level of Eurosceptism. At that time there was a worry that UKIP would take a lot of their voters and also a complacency that the people wouldn’t vote to leave.
I am fully aware that either view didn’t command a majority, but at the time of the referendum it favoured leave. Which, in my opinion is more true than the sample polls you post. What the sample polls didn’t take into consideration was how the undecided majority were leaning. The undecided who were scared and made to feel stupid, out of touch, ignorant, racist, destroying the future of the youth for publicly stating their view!

very funny and i understand your defensiveness…

but if you look at my post, i was asking a question.

even doctors and nurses, there is a point where there could be too many (nit suggesting for a second the UK is anywhere near this point though, please understand)

i think it was you earlier in reply who said you werent too concerned as long as it was run appropriately, and there within lies the crux…once you have a system whereby the majority are reliant on one large organisation (government in this case) it very rarely works out to the benefit of all…

im obviously talking on holistic terms here, which is why it was a question, not a statement.

there was also a post addressing my point about public servants negotiating with other public servants from seperant entities and something about independant bodies adjudicating or some such…all sounds great…but lets face it, theres a reason why centre left governments (in my sphere) can put to bed lengthy wage disputes with public servants, and it has nothing to do with negotiating skills.

BREXIT reversal was simple and the greatest own goal in political history. Labour just had to stand on a mandate of holding another referendum when the preceding election was held. But they didn’t. Because they were fucking idiots. The Conservatives badly implemented the will of the people. Labour allowed them to. Opposition? Nah, they were irrelevant. Now they’re just incompetent. The “I told you so’s” can wait (as can my anti-Pye youtube channel) but they’ll both come when I find a spare month. Unlikely.

The hypocrisy. We call on governments to honour their manifesto’s and cry foul if they don’t. Oh, but it’s okay if it suits you….

Or, the undecided who genuinely felt like they didn’t have enough information to hold a strong view one way or another? You’re assuming that the undecided would lean towards Brexit, whereas the simple truth is that the undecided would probably, by dint of that definition, just sit it out? The referendum was strictly speaking not a binary voting decision, since non-voting was also an option.

And yet, it was the only time it consistently favoured leave once the campaigning had started. Prior to that, all you had were the rags constantly complaining about how bad the EU was.

Especially since actually leaving the EU, the polling has showed an actual majority wanting to rejoin, should we rejoin then?

The biggest own goal was the fact people didn’t accept the outcome of the vote.

Yeah, the earlier reply was my serious response, the one you replied to was an off-the-cuff joke response that doesn’t have anything to do with how I think about this particular political issue.

The real answer is that I don’t quite have enough political and economic knowledge to be able to answer the question to the depth that I would like. I could answer the question someday perhaps, but it would take substantially more time and research than I can afford at the moment. I’d rather not make a snap judgement on such a frankly complex issue.

Because they’re not ideologically opposed to the concept of paying for public services?

I now live in Germany and I have never been better off in my life. Brexit has worked out quite nicely for me but that doesn’t take away from the fact that the whole thing was based on lies.


LOL…i thought we’d finished with the jokes?

ive seen alot of discussion suggest it is because they are committed to by thier political donors, which makes a more sensical response to me…whether thats a greater evil than the other side of the divides political donors is another matter

still fundamentally flawed though…which is the basis of the original question really,

it alarms me in my personal sphere, that theoretically, when the government becomes so bloated that it only really needs its own employees to vote for it, then we really have a situation where its POSSIBLE that the private sector pay for the excess of the public sector…(which is how i personally feel about the victorian government right now)…

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I’m not assuming I am speculating.

Look at Brexit thread for example back in 2015 and this thread in general, if you have an opinion slightly right of left you are shot down and cancelled. The Brexit thread was I guess 95% remain, yet the country voted 52% in favour of leaving. So, how does that poll tally up??

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People in favour of Brexit didn’t want to discuss it? They just wanted out?


I am happy that you are living a better life. I wish we all would be.
Both sides lied over Brexit, but the leave could only speculate as it would still have to be voted in and agreed with parliament and then the EU.
The issue I have with Brexit is that we cut our noses off to spite our face in negotiations. In house fighting and playing our cards out in public meant we were always going to get a bad deal. But, it’s okay I suppose, because at least people who wanted to remain can say, I told you so….

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That’s so wrong. People couldn’t discuss it.

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Vote it once done. We won. But Labour could have reversed it or more accurately given people the chance to accept what they were going to get, not the mythical £350m per second. But it’s a criticism rarely laid at their door. Well, certainly here.

I think it’s more fair to say that the quantity of posts for remain were greater. The reason “ANECDOTE ALERT!!!” Some people are scared to put their head above the parapet. Very few people on FB particularly are openly Right wing but somebody has to be voting correctly. Those who are are leapt on by the Marxist bigots who will tolerate nothing but communism (or as close to that as is possible) That’s the beauty of X now, it isn’t ruled by the guidance of the little red book.