UK Politics Thread (Part 3)

Can’t recall who said it but I was told there’s a £22 billion black hole to fill.

Think I might have heard it mentioned a “few” times

Deeply unpleasant and I’m not looking forward to it but how fo you propose we correct the budget deficit and start jnvesting jn public services again?

See: that’s where you’re going wrong.

Everything should be privatised. Because that has produced such outstanding results so far.

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And how do you pay for that then?

That was just for this year, there is actually a much bigger hole baked into the figures over the next few years based on what the last government said they would do but most likely wouldn’t (such as increasing taxes they had promised to every year but then backed out of, and a cut to public sector spending so deep it would be undeliverable).

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I take it you missed the sarcasm. And all my other posts criticising the neoliberal agenda.

No I get it, I’m trying to see if @Klopptimist or @Dane will give us an answer.

All well and good loudly shouting how shit it is, it is shit, but somewhere along the line solutions are needed.

No matter who is in government the problem remains the same.

Lets hear them.

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This was always coming, and the only card Labour can play is to be clear how reluctantly it’s done.

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Put the proceeds from this towards it.

EV owners be feeling like

Being honest with the public before the election and in their manifesto would be a bloody good start. “Ah but nobody knew the real economic situation, not their fault” That’s as predictable as a new manager being “surprised” at the players’ lack of fitness.

Is that your limp wrist on display?

Today we’re doing homophobia, are we? Brilliant stuff.

Oh this one’s very easy. Possibly the easiest political situation to solve. Everybody (not in full time education and of reasonably sound mind and health) gets the same bill and has to pay it. Those with the broadest shoulders get to have nicer holidays. I believe it was called Poll Tax.

Puts on hard hat and prepares for WW3……

Perfect example, mother of two. Why should her life choices mean I pay more tax? Serious question.

Since you’re such a fan of cringy gifs.


@Dane you and I haven’t been on enough indoctrination courses to identify all our isms and phobias. How very dare us…

That argument has been debunked already.

Still no solution from you either. Try again

Solution above. How do you debunk hard facts???

Doesnt work really does it?

“I’m shouting really loudly that it’s broken ahd i dont like it but cant offer any solutions because I dont like the people that need to fix it”

I’d be super interesred in your thoughts uf the tories gir back in and implemented austerity again. Would you be omplainjng then?