UK Politics Thread (Part 3)

Quite possibly the most excoriating epitaph to a political career that I’ve ever read.

And to complement it , a charming little ditty that pays homage to some more recent ‘giants’ of British political life (Johnson included) of the same ilk.

“I’d prefer the Plague to the Eton Rifles.”


No. we want him hung, drawn and quartered!

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Couldn’t happen to a nicer person:

What an astonishing fall. As recently as December, her position seemed unassailable and the conditions were developing for another Scottish referendum.


Seems a bit odd considering her husband had already been arrested and released without charge.


I haven’t laughed so much since my granny caught her tit in the mangle :joy: :joy: :joy:

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I just read that and I have to post it here.


Pending further enquiries though. There were three signatories (Beattie, Nicola and husband) to approve expenditure and £600,000 is unaccounted for. That is a lot of cash to suddenly disappear into the ether. Either rank incompetence or someone has squirrelled it away somewhere. It seems unbelievable to me that a £110,000 Motorhome bought with party funds could be parked on her mother in law’s drive and the present leader says he was unaware of its existence.

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Yeah , that does look incredibly suspicious then.

It looks incompetent to me as it’s not claimed that £600,000 is unaccounted for. It was unappropriately used, missused?
It seems whoever is responsible didn’t cover their tracks.
We have a motor home and boxes full of …
If on the motor home it is written ‘£xxx billion a week from oil to be given to whyskey drinking a week’ I’m sure it will all be forgetten … Oh! wait …

My understanding of this is that the money was meant to be ring-fenced for a second independence referendum but that is not what it has been used for. A motorhome for a political party isn’t entirely unreasonable, there are usually “battle buses” that the major parties use during election time, but it is difficult to justify that as expenditure for a referendum that is yet to occur rather than general party funding.

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Yes, it seems evident that someone has been dipping their fingers into the pot, that doesn’t make that money unaccounted for (which implies it just dissapeared because someone who knows what they are doing used a difficult to trace route).
I would be interested to know the proportion this £600k represents to the total of what was donated?

Side tracking money is very common an example I suspect is Irish rugbys stadium build. Some very fishy stuff going on with the accounts during that time and great facilities build by them for Munster and Lienster.


Considering the sheer size of budgets of a modern government, £600K seems like a small and sordid amount of money to have misdirected - although this is party money, not government, so smaller baseline.

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I don’t reall this

They got away with it. So you wouldn’t!

Wtf is he on about? He’ll be back? After quitting before the axe comes down?

Just blubbering again!

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Lots of speculation as to who this is: is it his daughter, is it someone he has shagged, is it the daughter of someone he shagged, is it some random blonde with kompromat on him?

Who knows? If this was a film script it would be knocked back for being ridiculous.