UK Politics Thread (Part 3)

“Oh, what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive!”


I thought the UK needed more industry?

How utterly pathetic :rofl:

“Boris Johnson has launched a “last-ditch attempt” to scupper the long-awaited Partygate report, calling on senior Tory MP Sir Bernard Jenkin to resign from the privileges committee for himself breaching the lockdown rules.

The former PM called on Sir Bernard to “explain his actions" after the pro-Johnson website Guido Fawkes claimed he had also broken lockdown rules by attending a drinks reception for his wife’s birthday in December 2020.

In a statement, Mr Johnson said: “Bernard Jenkin has just voted to expel me from parliament for allegedly trying to conceal from parliament my knowledge of illicit events.”

lol … somebody tell him ; No-one gives a fuck.

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I wasn’t really paying attention, can anyone explain what happened with Nadine Dorries?

Did Boris fuck her over in his parting honours list, or was she included but has been blocked for some other reason?

She was vetted for a peerage 6 months ago. Apparently that vetting has now lapsed so she was removed from the list. She discovered this after she had tendered her resignation. She is claiming that this was a move by Sunak to avoid another by-election.

You may have noticed that she isn’t the sharpest tool in the box.


She rarely gave us opportunity to forget.

I was just hoping Boris had left her off his list after she just spent the last two years with her tongue firmly up his ass.


That is Boris in a nutshell.

Beautiful summation from Marina Hyde this week. Boris is a man who would have sex with your wife while you’re away from home undertaking some task for him he can’t be bothered with himself. Then he’d blame the affair on you, before complaining you didn’t change the sheets before he spoiled them.


I’ve just caught up with the report, and Christ almighty, it’s bad. I mean, I knew it would be bad, but it’s really bad. Like immediate dissolution of Parliament and General Election bad.

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Even with the current PM rather than the greasy piglet? I can’t see them going for that.

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The problem for Sunak is that he was the Chancellor under Johnson, and he is deeply implicated by association.

There is talk of Tory MPs being deselected if they vote to accept the report. I really hope that’s true. Labour would have an absolute field day with it.


Did he lie to parliament about it? The problem here is with contempt of parliament.

There is something I remember Alistair Campbell saying which is that with any scandal the best thing to do is predict where it’s going and get there as fast as possible. To put it another way, when you are in a hole, it’s best to stop digging. Johnston’s strategy has always been to grab a bigger spade.


And then hand it over to a minion. No digging by Bozo himself, of course.

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Yeah, but the report is absolutely scathing about behaviour within government during Lockdown. Far more than I’ve ever seen before. Sunak got a fine at the same time as Johnson, and he is associated with that period in office.

That doesn’t happen in real life though.

Governments used to fall due to scandals.

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Scandals used to be the exception, not the rule.


yep … once upon a time

What is the mechanism for dissolution of parliament?

If it’s hands up from this government then I see no chance.

Short of a constitutional crisis, it would have to be the House voting non-confidence, and the Government asking the Crown for a new election accordingly.

It is the underlying reason that Labour needs to keep the powder dry until about 18 months before the writ. This BoJo stuff is great for that, lets them maintain an attack footing running down the clock to that.

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