UK Politics Thread (Part 3)

I think we can all agree Dave did less damage to the country than Borris !

I’m not so sure tbh. Cameron gave us austerity and Brexit. Boris just gave us nausea. (And Jacob Rees Mogg)

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Sir Jacob Rees Mogg… :0)

I’m guessing he already made his kids call him that since they learned to talk.

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and the problem there is?

Nah, they’d try to throw the heaviest brick in history at the floor. Starmer would change tack at the last second and save it for a rainy day. That’s not whataboutism as I want to see the fat lying cunt against a wall.

“This was indeed the “worst” prime minister, the most unfit and yet, terrible though it is to admit, probably the most important. His short term in office has left the deepest and most enduring legacy that will scar the history books when other leaders are long forgotten. No other prime minister in my lifetime has inflicted such permanent and crippling damage, dividing and diminishing the nation with a Brexit he didn’t even care about.

Margaret Thatcher’s harms are many and searing, but they can be undone, and it looks as if many soon could be. Brexit is a deeper laceration. It will forever leave a mark as the most abrupt and pivotal point in the nation’s decline. Despised abroad, with a shrinking GDP and a loss of foreign investment as well as respect, Britain now finds itself alienated, alone, and sliding downwards on just about every league table. Johnson did this, the political wizard who cast a spell over the voters with his outrageous lies and promises. His cunning verbal wit – and even the seductive falsities he peddled – were part of his charm. This was his only talent, and it was lethal.”


4pm wine time Fridays. These fuckers did more workplace socialising during lockdown than I’ve ever done in normal times!


Don’t take this the wrong way, but you are partly to blame for this.

You voted Brexit knowing full well (because you were told, and told, and told) that you were essentially handing the country to Boris and his cabal of chancers. You then voted for Johnson and his ‘oven ready’ shit and gave him a mandate to tear through parliamentary process and and democracy like a maniac.

All your distain and distaste for Boris Johnson is a little hollow at this point, mate.

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Nothing hollow about it. Just shows what I think of Labour.

Did you vote for Blair? At least Boris didn’t launch an illegal war.


Would have taken one simple decision by Labour to stop a hard BREXIT. Worst political decision in recent memory. But they wouldn’t. Idiots.

What was that ?

Standing to do that in the last election.

They had the opportunity to essentially have a second referendum. But as Karl Corby was against Europe, wasn’t going to happen. Fool.

They campaigned on having a second referendum if they won. The thing that killed them (apart from Corbyn’s unelectability) was their refusal to back either Leave or Remain. That alienated both camps of voters and handed Johnson his landslide.


I seem to remember that decision received wide support across parliament. So he certainly managed to convince a few people. Should he be in jail? Yeah, probably. I do wonder how many COVID deaths are in Boris’s hands?

Was Blair a better pm than anything we’ve had in the last 13 years? By a country mile. Economy was rock solid. NHS investment at its highest etc. The last 13 years has been about ripping the UK public off.


They should have voted through Teresa Mays deal. It really was the best way forward with many doors left open … but …

Blair isn’t even the most capable PM on this forum.

So to be clear, you voted for Brexit and ‘oven ready’ Johnson, but you think Labour not forcing a second referendum was the worst political decision in recent memory?

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How would anyone have know that Blair would be involved in an illegal war. There were plenty of warnings about Boris and Brexit


What does my vote have to do with an utter fuck up by a political party to which I have no allegiance?