UK Politics Thread (Part 3)

BREXIT is done and you know something? It’s what some of us voted for. Why? Bananas.

Some voted for a bus. Some voted to reduce immigration (and so we could send all the Pakistanis and Indians home), whereas some voted to simply not be in a political union with Europe.

The Iraq war was a disgrace, based on false pretenses. Blair showed a real lack of leadership in kowtowing to Bush on that one. He didn’t lead, but he was a complicit lapdog.

Blair was the last politician I had much feel for. When he came in it all seemed so hopeful. He did do a lot, but at the same time not enough with the mandate he had, and the Iraq war is a lingering stain.

David Cameron was appalling too. No backbone. Yeah, let’s have a referendum on Brexit. Then he buggered off to assorted lucrative directorships.

Regardless of politics, I had a lot of time for Theresa May, robot dancing aside. She seemed principled and capable, but generally everything was falling apart and it couldn’t be retrieved.

Boris Johnson was the low point, in many ways the UK’s own answer to Trump.

The time is ripe for a fresh start, whether the general election comes soon, or a bit later. Labour will hopefully do well, and do enough to earn two good terms to start to right a lot of the wrongs of the past decade and more.

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Absolutely wrong. Cameron was an excellent PM. The model of a statesman. He’s the man you send to world summits and negotiations. He left because he wasn’t a BREXITeer and once the vote went against him, he stepped down. He had to offer the referendum to get in the first place. Odd to have a politician who stands by his principles.

Quite possibly. Not exactly sure where that puts the last 13 years of Tory candidates though. Not really on the scale are they?

Who said the last 13 years of Tory leadership was anything but shite?

I’m one of those odd people who doesn’t just blindly shout about how great the people are whom i’m in favour of.

I stated that as my opinion, you went off in another direction avoiding the question or key point, as you always do, and then come back raging about some slightly random but related thing.

I’ll just leave it. Bed calls

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No you just blindly vote for them

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Capable? She voted against her own deal!

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Absolutely awful. Lacked charisma and brains. A weak leader, Certainly not a negotiator. A blue Nick Clegg.

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A pig porker and a thief as well.


flapping david cameron GIF

I’m trying to be nice!

Magnitudes better than Boris then.


Remind me of the question, I’ll answer it.

You know he was the fucking PM? You don’t do that without charisma and brains. And again, to pre-empt the shit jokes. Boris has both.

I’ve never voted blindly. Have you watched / listened to almost every PMQs for the last 30 years?

Didn’t think so.


No way, he’s a dick and so are all those that voted Tory!

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You know I voted for Blair. But I don’t think anyone could have predicted in 1997 or 2001 that he was going to go mad and start an illegal war.

Contrast with Johnson. We knew exactly what manner of man he was. There was already a body of work that showed that he was a narcissist, a liar, a coward and a lazy cunt. A racist, a misogynist and a serial philanderer. A man whom nobody is quite sure how many children he has. A man who had already been sacked from multiple jobs because of his compulsive lying. A deeply unserious man, applying for a serious job in serious times.

You knew that, and you voted for it.


The best description I ever heard of Cameron was coined by Charlie Brooker. Less a politician and more a bland corporate PR man put in place to facilitate the handover of the country to our new corporate overlords.

The idea that Victorian Moon faced cunt is a ‘great statesman’ is one of the most laughable things I’ve heard for ages. Great Statesmen don’t lose referendums through sheer fucking complacency. What next? Liz Truss one of the great orators of the age? Michael Gove is Mr Charisma?


Talking of Liz Truss… She is on at the West End now in Spitting Image - Lettuce Liz :0)
