UK Politics Thread (Part 3)

bang on, my earliest memory of politics is that the UK has gone through boom / bust cycles under the Tories while it was steady sailing under Labour (excusing a US housing market collapse that screwed the whole world)

Have they actually delivered one yet? Even any of the ones that were paint jobs?

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No idea however my Dad goes to hospitals where there’s no room for a wheelchair in the waiting area (Geriatrics ward), so how they get beds in there is a wonder to me.
The nutcases closed all the local Hospitals and ended up having to use inappropriate ‘rented’ space near the ‘central’ hospital that hasn’t even enough parking for the staff. Impossible to visit.
It’s completely nuts to close 1000’s of hospitals then build 40 wards somewhere else!

Everything is becoming more centralised which is in some instances sensible but also a real sign of a resource shortage.

It’s being dismantled. Combine that with people increasingly opting to look at private health insurance or schemes then I think we’re seeing the end of a free health care system. It honestly worries me. Having a condition where you know what your likely cause of death will be is worrying enough, but throwing in a potential resource issue before your “time” both angers and scares me shitless.

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Funny thing, working tends to sort that particular problem.

I mean for social care and looking after our most vulnerable people.

Everything has been striped to the bone.

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Unfortunately for many it doesn’t. In work poverty is a real and growing problem.


Better than out of work poverty. If your job doesn’t pay what you’d like it to, change it.

Again, far easier said than done.


At times in the year, I offer work on FB. Happy to pay £20 an hour to stand at the side of the road holding a sign. That’s £160 a day, £800 a week. I struggle to get people.

Obviously infringing their rights to sit down half the day.
Provide a folding chair you might get more applicants

Nah, fuck that, stand and get paid or sod off.

Maybe FB isn’t the best place to advertise?

Mates, family etc. Had 2 kids from an employment company manage 3 hours once, both walked off.

@Klopptimist Don’t turn this into another one of your people not willing to work rants.

I’m talking about social care for people in mental health crisis situations. It not an opportunity for a right wing gammon fume about people not willing to work.

Social care has been stripped to the bone. Desperate, vulnerable people have been abandoned to fend for themselves. The end result of this is the heartbreaking loss of life my City saw on Tuesday morning.


Gees it’s Teresa Coffey

and apparently she has something with Theresa May’s legs.

Do you provide access to welfare facilities? If not you’re breaking the law.

Also hope you have a risk assessment for the work

First of many I expect… The in-fighting with the Tories is going to get more ugly me thinks

Wonder how many of these videos will come out. With such brazen rule breaking and evidence the Independence of the MET should be a priority.

Does not seem to be any qualms in Scotland. The MET should be no different.