UK Politics Thread (Part 3)

Penny for your thoughts on the performance of the last 13 years?

Same question.

Shite. Circumstances havenā€™t exactly helped though. A majority of people told jonny foreigner to fuck off which was possibly the hardest period to get through.

Then a global pandemic which was managed by a lying cunt who should have a short appointment with a high platform and a short rope.

Whataboutism is a wonderful thing. Have the Conservative party done better than Labour would have? I donā€™t know but I do know that weā€™re fundamentally governed by a party that stands for values closer to my heart than those of the socialists.

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Is this a trap?
A blind man on a galloping horse can see how bad itā€™s been.
COVID and a Brexit plan which didnā€™t go to plan compounded it.

Iā€™m not filled with optimism when the main weapon of the strongest opponents to the current lot is ā€œweā€™ll be better than themā€ though.

Now who would have ever thought that would happen,would they have cared :thinking:

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Uh Uh No GIF by Boomerang Official

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Was jesting. Everyone that comes to visit loves the city and itā€™s people. Weā€™re incredibly warm to visitors. Just a shame that weā€™re bastards to eachother

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Alternatively, could Labour have done any worse that the Tories? I donā€™t think thatā€™s possible


As a descendent of both Catholic and Protestant Irish, that made me laugh in recognition.

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No, just fascinated on peopleā€™s thinking.

Also trying to get my head around how bad it would need to get for some people to rethink their preferred choice.


The apocalypse?

Never going to forget that walking talking disaster, sums up the Tories in 2 secs. :rofl:


For me the Tories have abandoned their roots. They are no longer a conservative party of fiscal responsibility, institutions , law, and individual endeavour.

If you are a doctor, nurse or lawyer today (middle class sort of jobs) would you automatically vote conservatives? Instead of a levelling up there has been a levelling down. They try to give the illusion of traditional values with a typical office backdrop of old books, picture of the queen, maybe a model spitfire but truth is many have no values, or are ready to ignore traditional core values for culture wars. A post truth game of populism and lies.

From attacking judicial system for falsely taking sides in Brexit, ā€œlefty lawyersā€ for preventing government taking illegal actions. To clapping doctors they 12 months later call greedy wanting increase in Ā£14/h wage. Look at this week with those backing Johnson saying that parliament should not be able to act as though itā€™s sovereign :exploding_head:

They would rather throw around meaningless slogans and decry opponents as woke or remoaner than actually deliver anything. I was in Nottingham last week (first time in UK since covid/Brexit) it was looking rough. Within 100m of the hotel I got asked for change 6 or 7 times. Turn on the TV and the PM is playing dress up showing he is tough on illegal immigrants. Fuck me the priorities are so out of kilter.

From the last 13 years I honestly struggle think of any material benefits this government has brought which itā€™s their biggest indictment. The only two things they harp on about Brexit and vaccine roll out seem more and more hollow.

With a layer of corruption, the shit icing on the cake the best thing that could happen to this party is to get wiped out at the next election in order to clean the slate and start again.


I was in Norwich last week. Thought NI was in a bad state. Have never seen poverty like it in the UK/Ireland. In the 5th richest economy in the world?

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My grandad fought in the second world warā€¦ I remember him being tough as old boots, and as streetwise as a sackful of monkeys.

After the war he worked as a crane driver on the docks. These were the days when most all of the cargo was off-loaded from the ships to the quayside, and then manually by the hundreds of dockers into the warehouses. Tough times, tough lifeā€¦ most survived by their wits.

I remember back to when I was just a kid, no more than five, or six maybeā€¦ it was about 20yrs after the war had ended, the general elections were coming up, just the two channels, black and white reel on the TVā€¦ and the election news always seemed to be serious stuffā€¦ well, serious enough that everyone in the room had to be quiet, so he could listen intensely to what these people, on this old screen TV were sayingā€¦ Everything seemed to be important, significant, momentous, sincere, genuineā€¦ maybe it was just the poor broadcasting quality, not really sureā€¦ Obviously, he was Labour through and through, like all the other guys he worked alongsideā€¦ some might have been Liberal, but probably not manyā€¦ unlikely, any were ever Conservative.

I wasnā€™t to know this at the time being young, and not understanding the full implications of what an election actually wasā€¦ I do recall asking him though, who he would be voting forā€¦ Without talking down to me as this little sprog that I was, nor dismissing my enquiring little mind, he explained he votes for the party that does the most for him, us and everyone we knowā€¦ To him, this was obviously the Labour party, but he also said, and this is the part that resonates with me todayā€¦ He said the country needs someone that can lead it properly. Someone that can lead us into war again if we have no choice, and lead us out of it without ever losingā€¦ It is important, that you know what is at stake when you have to fight, and it is important that you know someone leading the country is not a cowardā€¦!

I was 14yrs old when he diedā€¦ and in all that time , and all the hours I spent alongside himā€¦ he never really mentioned stuff about the warā€¦ but he was deadly serious about the calibre of person that was needed to head the governmentā€¦

He probably turning in his grave these past yearsā€¦ Cameron, Truss, Sunak, Johnsonā€¦ I mean, based purely on his philosophy, who on earth would go and fight a war for their country, with these imbeciles making the decisionsā€¦ I hope I have never forgotten my roots, my children have successful careers and they will vote how they see fitā€¦
This government though, since they come to powerā€¦ it has been nothing short than a shit-showā€¦!!


Great story but youā€™re gonna have to explain this partā€¦?

It is a saying that was once popularā€¦ :0)


A cartload of monkeys definition and meaning

Collins Dictionary ā€ŗ dictionary ā€ŗ english

[British, old-fashioned] if someone is as cunning or as clever as a cartload of monkeys, they are extremely cunning or clever. They are engaging creatures, ā€¦

As I said they use to be considered the party of fiscal responsibility ā€¦ā€¦.

I donā€™t go into the city very often, but itā€™s startling how bad it has become in the last few years. Market Square is a parade of lost souls, drunks, addicts, homeless, people clearly struggling with mental health problems. The attacks this week have been coming for ages. Broken people just abandoned. No social care. No interventions. No money, basically.

In this respect, anyone playing the ā€˜Labour are just as badā€™ card needs to give their head a wobble and start looking beyond the end of their own nose.

I suppose in this respect Notts is broadly the same as any other major City. Thatā€™s what 13 years of the Tories gets you.


These attacks on the tories just arenā€™t fair.

Letā€™s not forget that they have built 40 new hospitals. I know this is true because Boris once said it in PMQs.