UK Politics Thread (Part 3)

And this is where our system fails. The best solution often involves compromise. We haven’t really had that for some time. We have lurched to extremes.

Agree on May. It went seriously downhill afterwards.

I remember the day seeing Cameron and Clegg in that press conference and being filled with dread. But that Labour government had exhausted itself as rightly pointed out above.


No, it was definitely ambition driven, she always liked the limelight at Conference etc. It is quite possible she looked across the party and thought the alternatives were worse and so duty also played a part. What we’ve seen since would support that.

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German conservatives tend to go for the least charismatic choice, preferably with virtually no perceivable rhetorical skills. Hence the longevity of Kohl and Merkel. Now Scholz beat them at their own game.


Liz Truss.


edit: wasn’t the first…

Did Germany ever had a charismatic leader?


Wow. So edgy and unpredictable.

Willy Brandt was regarded as fairly charismatic. I suppose if you go back to the country’s formation, Bismarck pretty much shaped modern Europe.

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Hmm, that name crossed my mind.

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No. I can’t think of a bigger waste of time than watching that pantomime. You must be considering your life choices if you spent 30 years watching PMQs and still voted for a useless, bullshitting charlatan to be PM



Shows what I think of the opposition. But you keep voting for whatever party you want. On what basis do you make your decision?

I’m sorry but ‘anyone but the opposition’ is such a superficial choice for someone who claims to be so well informed.

I vote for those who are most likely to bring about a fairer, more equal society where everyone has opportunity to prosper and get a fair salary for their work. For proper support for the most vulnerable. For those who take the climate crisis seriously. For those who have (most) integrity, and see political duty as service rather than a means to transfer money from the lower/middle class to the already super rich.


Then good luck voting Labour.

And I make no claims.

For as bad a shitshow we have with the Tories in charge, the thought of Starmer running the show gives me as much confidence as Frank Spencer would.
Clueless puppet devoid of ideas

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He’s better than his Marxist predecessor but that’s like saying that Truss was better than Boris.

I live in NI so don’t have a means to vote the Tories out, despite how much they’re fucking us over


Gorgeous part of the world, enjoy the scenery and the countryside and ignore the local politics. Love Belfast and about 95% of the people I met there.

In fairness, you’re not currently being fucked by the conservatives. Far deeper problems sadly.

Meet a few more and that percentage will drop :joy:

There are deep problems for sure, but Brexit has massively destabilised a fragile peace


Spent the best part of 6 months there, met quite a few people.