UK Politics Thread (Part 3)


Not the cricket score, but the result of the parliamentary vote on the Partygate report.

Pity that so many Conservative MPs were too spineless to show up… especially the Prime Minister.


After yesterdays vote, just read an article heading that brought a chuckle… It said,

He Has More Kids Than He Has Allies :0)


So now he’s been officially outed as a devious, unscrupulous lying snake who willingly (along with others) broke COVID lockdown rules then deceived parliament about his behaviour.

What is the potential punishment, even if there will be one?


He pre-empted the punishment by resigning.

Thought so.
So basically no punishment?

They took his hoc pass away for slandering the committee too.


I don’t think he was involved in that party at Tory HQ was he? That would have been the cherry on top.

It’s disturbing that he’s still, so far, got off relatively free.

Probably not, unless you consider him losing his MP status (and access to the house) a punishment. The current government are wary about taking any further action because then it exposes them to risk of this remaining in the news for the rest of the parliamentary term and to others such as Sunak being seen as doing similar.

Had he not resigned, then he would have had a 10 day parliamentary suspension which opens the door to his local constituency having the right to recall him, which was looking a likely outcome.

I doubt that’ll bother him too much.
I’ve read of ridiculous sums of money being thrown at him as a speaker.
Now that he’s even more controversial, I expect those fees will increase.

Waiting now for the influx of previously unknown videos of other politicians flouting COVID lockdown rules

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I’m personally looking at the COVID inquiry. They’ve already dragged Cameron through the mill, and Hunt is starting to be implicated.

Worth noting the Cameron is still full on defending austerity and even claiming NHS funding increased in real terms.

I expect to see this whole COVID lockdown rule breaking to snowball.
It obviously went on all over the country.

I heard it suggested that he should lose ceremonial privileges usually given to former PMs: attendance at royal events, Remembrance Sunday etc. He was always more interested in the trappings of the position rather than the hard work and responsibility that goes with it, so that would be a far more appropriate punishment.

Obviously for the wholesale fraud of the public purse that he is responsible for he should do time at His Majesty’s Pleasure.


Unlikely to happen, and as long as the $$$$ is rolling in I doubt he gives a fuck about ceremonial and status stuff.


The status stuff would really hurt him. It’s often said of Johnson that he wanted to be PM, and he wanted to have been PM, but it was the stuff in between that he couldn’t be arsed with. He was more bothered about his name on the alumni PMs board at Eton than anything during his time in office.

Denying him his place amongst former Prime Ministers at official events and ceremonies would really sting.

I would like to see if some of that 250k of our money he claimed to mount that risible defence can be claimed back, especially since he ran away at the end of the process.

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In an ideal world, all dodgy expense claims by MP’s should be repaid.

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If they start whinging that can’t get by on £86,584 a year, maybe they could try working for minimum wage. After all, aren’t they always reminding us that they are there to serve their constituents?

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Same apply to union leaders?


Same applies to everyone.


I think any public servant accused and found to be culpible of crimes unfitting their position should lose their status AND their pension (if any). no rewards for bad behavior, punishment to fit the crime.

if any of the “commoners” were found guilty of such theft and corruption, we’d be in jail.

Oh boy.